You Are Anointed for Excellence: How to Walk in Your Kingdom Calling


“Do you see a man diligent in his business? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men” (Prov. 22:29).

Although we understand that all will ultimately stand before our heavenly King, Proverbs 22:29 teaches that some of us will have an opportunity to stand before earthly kings, those in top leadership positions.

The critical question then is: what does it take from us to stand before earthly kings? The answer in given the first part of the verse: to excel in our work.

To transform nations, we must understand what it means to excel in our work, for without it, we will not have the listening ear of earthly kings.

So what does it mean to excel in our work? It first begins with embracing your marketplace anointing.


“But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things” (1 John 2:20).

Anointing is defined as “to choose as if by divine election.” In 1 John 2:20, anointing means a special endowment of Holy Spirit. It also describes as to “rub oil, to consecrate someone or something, a Holy person or thing.” Seventy-plus times in the Scriptures you will read about the anointing of kings and priests—that is, marketplace warriors as well as temple leaders.

Announcement: We marketplace impacters have an equal heavenly anointing for our mission as does any pastor for theirs! We do not have a secondary, baby anointing but a fully-loaded, fully-charged supernatural anointing to fulfill our marketplace calling that brings His kingdom to earth.

As marketplace professionals, we too rarely associate our skills and abilities with a special anointment from heaven. It’s time to fully accept this reality. The only way we can together transform nations is through the collective and focused alignment of heaven’s fully endowed supernatural gifts upon the saints. For by ignoring our anointing, we fall back into daily attempting kingdom impact based upon our natural abilities.

It is time we fully embrace what Ed Silvoso so poignantly stated in his magnificent book, Anointed for Business, that we are all “chosen and empowered by Holy Spirit for a divine sanctioned assignment” (p. 28).

The base foundation of kingdom excellence is to fully embrace our anointing, for without it, we are no different than unsaved workers.


“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, so that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:10)

God knew before time began what He had in mind for you to do, to excel in for His glory. This is so huge I cannot get my head wrapped around it, but I accept it in full faith knowing His ways are so better the mine. And in His plan is nothing mediocre, nothing half-way, no just good enough, none of the “close enough for government work” as you often hear on the streets.

His will (and your goal) is to walk in excellence within our market place. We should settle for nothing less. He deserves it!

His will (and your goal) is to walk in excellence within your marketplace. We should settle for nothing less. He deserves it!

Excellence, then, is defined as to super-abound in quality or quantity; superior, very good of its kind; eminently good. More specifically, the word “excels” from our foundation verse Proverbs 22:29, comes from the root word mahir that means to be characterized as a person who is:

  • Quick: fast in thinking, learning, understanding, moving or reacting
  • Skillful: having the training, knowledge and expertise that is needed to do something well
  • Diligent: characterized by steady, earnest and energetic effort
  • Ready: prepared mentally and physically to do something for immediate use

Wouldn’t you enjoy being around a bunch of quick, skillful, diligent and ready co-workers? How about being around just one?

How about you being that one?

Are you characterized by these qualities? Would others describe you with these adjectives?

Your Excellence Level Today

On a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high), where would you rate yourself in your current job on these four qualities of excellence?

Quick ____ Skillful ____ Diligent ____ Ready ____

  • Where would your colleagues rate you?
  • Where would your boss rate you?
  • Most important, where would heaven rate you?

This is not meant to beat you up, depress you or call you out. It is simply to encourage you to think kingdom excellence. For as you raise yourself up in being quick, skillful, diligent and ready, you are then prepared to step into the next level kingdom impact.

Kingdom Action

In what area(s) must I raise my levels of excellence to match my anointing? Pray for Holy Spirit to reveal how to increase your excellence where you are now planted.

Share your list with a fellow marketplace impacter for a witness and accountability partner.

Next week: Anointed for Excellence #2: The Kingdom Excellence Path {eoa}

Dr. Jim Harris is president of The Jim Harris Group, an international speaking and advising firm dedicated to helping believers in business unleash their unfair advantage in the marketplace. He is the author of Our Unfair Advantage: Unleash the Power of the Holy Spirit in Your Business and numerous other award-winning business books.

This article originally appeared at


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