Kidnapped Christian Girl in Sudan Escapes, Traumatized

Hiba Abdelfadil Anglo, 16, has escaped from a gang of Muslims who kidnapped her last year, but it may be a long time before she recovers from the trauma.

As she told Compass how the kidnappers beat, raped and tried to force her to convert from Christianity to Islam, she broke into tears for nearly half an hour.

“They did many bad things to me,” she said, tears streaming down her eyes.

Bible App Tears Down Obstacles, Makes Scriptures Accessible

The Bible has been translated into hundreds of languages across the globe, but obstacles hinder accessibility. Can people afford the Scriptures? Is the Word allowed in every nation? Can people there even read it?

Faith Comes By Hearing is obliterating these obstacles, and all with one quick click.

“Now, for the first time in history, you have one application that can singly distribute the Scriptures in all the languages of the world—spoken by at least five billion people,” says Troy Carl, Faith Comes By Hearing’s national director. “We’re very, very excited about the accessibility of the Word of God to anybody, anywhere, at any time.”

Hobby Lobby Donates Land to California Megachurch

Hobby Lobby is no longer known for its retail of arts and crafts alone. The $3 billion a year company now has its name connected to Saddleback Church led by Pastor Rick Warren. Oklahoma-based Hobby Lobby has donated a 170-acre ranch in San Juan Capistrano, Calif., to the megachurch.

“Rick Warren, his staff and the church’s congregation have contributed to the Lord’s work on this property and we couldn’t be more excited to donate this property to them,” said David Green, Hobby Lobby founder and CEO.

Blast Near Church in Kirkuk, Iraq, Injures 13

A car blast outside a Syrian Catholic church in Kirkuk, Iraq, Tuesday morning left 13 wounded as police located and disarmed two more car bombs targeting churches in the city, according to area sources.

Online video images of the attack against the Holy Family Church showed one of its walls blasted open and all its surfaces covered with broken glass, rubble and dust from the entrance where the explosion took place to the sanctuary on the far end of the building. The explosion occurred on the second day of the month-long Muslim fasting period of Ramadan.

Nearby houses in one of Kirkuk’s oldest quarters, where Muslims and Christians had lived together peacefully, were seriously damaged, and cars on the street were left in twisted piles of metal. Shattered glass wounded 13 residents as they slept, area sources said.

Global Initiative Aims to End Poverty by 2035

An alliance of global Christians, churches and faith-based poverty-fighting organizations are uniting to eradicate global poverty. The Christ-centered global initiative known as 58: was founded on Isaiah 58 where God calls on the church to to end global poverty.

Ten organizations have collectively worked through the 58: initiative to simplify the steps necessary to achieve what some may see as an impossible feat. But for Dr. Scott Todd, senior advisor at Compassion International and one of the architects of 58:, doesn’t question the possibility itself. Instead he says, “The question is, ‘How fast?’” At 58: partners are convinced it can happen within the next two decades. In fact, they have set 2035 as the end date.

Statistics prove the percentage of people living in extreme poverty continues to decline. In 24 years alone, the percentage of those living in extreme poverty has dropped from 52 percent to 26 percent. Child mortality rates and the rates of disease infection has declined as well. And now those behind 58: ask, “What will it take to finish the job?”

British Doctors Allowed to Pray for Patients

New guidance for GPs on praying for patients has been released by the Medical Defence Union (MDU) – with backing from the General Medical Council (GMC) and one of the country’s leading doctors.

The guidance quotes an official from the GMC suggesting that a ‘tactful’ offer to pray for patients could be appropriate:

“Nothing in the GMC’s guidance Personal Beliefs and Medical Practice precludes doctors from praying with their patients. … It must be tactful, so that the patient can decline without embarrassment—because while some may welcome the suggestion, others may regard it as inappropriate,” says Jane O’Brien, assistant director for standards and fitness to practice.

Moviemakers Discuss Spritually Inspiring Films

Making spiritually uplifting, religious, faith-based movies and television programs with inspiring content and messages can be a professionally and personally rewarding job.

That’s the conclusion of a panel discussion, “Making, Distributing and Promoting Spiritually Uplifting Family Movies and Television Programs,” held Friday at the InkTip Pitch & Networking Summit in Burbank, Calif.

Moderated by Radio and Website Manager Jeff Holder of Movieguide, which sponsored the event, the panelists gave a standing room only group of aspiring scriptwriters and producers a unique opportunity to hear from a panel of accomplished screenwriters and producers about what it takes to make spiritually uplifting, redemptive, faith-based movies and TV programs.

British Film Warns of Sex Trafficking for London Olympics

With one year remaining before the London Olympics opening ceremony, a new movie warns about the possibility of girls being trafficked into the city to meet the increased demand for sex.

DemandSupply2012 is a new short narrative film about the possible increase in sex-trafficking for and during the London 2012 Olympics. It was recently screened at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival as part of the shortfilmcorner and is currently being submitted to U.K. film festivals.

“Human trafficking is the illegal trade in human beings for the purposes of slavery and sexual exploitation,” says J. John from Philo Trust. “Jodi De Souza creatively communicates the horror of this injustice in her compelling short film DemandSupply2012. My prayer is that this shocking film will compel us to prayer and action.”

Abortionist James Pendergraft Sued for $36.7 Million

Flip Benham of Operation Save America describes the civil lawsuit verdict against James Pendergraft.

A Florida abortionist who frequently has run afoul of the law, James Scott Pendergraft, was in court last month facing damaging testimony in the case of a baby born alive after a botched abortion.

A few years ago, I began to chronicle the numerous criminal activities and botched abortions that surround James Pendergraft’s chain of Florida abortion centers. Pendergraft is featured in the new DVD, The Abortion Matrix, and more prominently in abortion clinic 911 Calls.

Charismatic Chaplain Helps Troops Keep the Faith in Afghanistan

It’s another hot and dusty Sunday morning, and service is about to begin at the Camp Kunduz Chapel.

No, this place of worship isn’t nestled in a small town in the heart of the Bible belt. It’s about as far away from there as one can get. Furthermore, the small plywood structure is nothing reminiscent of a massive cathedral capable of housing a huge congregation of worshippers.

Still, for soldiers of faith stationed in the heart of northern Afghanistan, the place serves its purpose quite well.

Terrorist Groups Block Africa Famine Relief

While almost 13 million people are on the brink of starvation in the Horn of Africa, relief agencies are frustrated that they may be unable to help those most desperate. It’s not because they don’t have the food. It’s because terrorist groups linked to al-Qaida are preventing the aid from getting there.

Todd Nettleton with Voice of the Martyrs says Somalia is the biggest challenge. “The al-Shabaab militant terrorist group has made it a stated goal to completely rid the country of Christians. They literally are hunting down Christians, and anyone who is thought to be Christian or rumored to be a Christian is a potential target.”

Well-known Christian aid groups have been forced out of the country in areas where al-Shabaab cell groups are in power. Nettleton says: “There’s so much lawlessness. And in the midst of that, you have so many people who are starving to death. But the reality for someone who identifies themselves as a Christian to go in: they really paint a target on their back just to go into the country.”

Indian Believer Escapes After Family Threatens Death

His heart pounding, Rasul Gupta hurried into hiding to escape from angry family members who wanted to beat him. What did they have against him? He chose to follow Christ.

A few months ago, Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Pallab Singh met Rasul, a member of the Brahmin caste, and the two struck up a conversation. As they talked, Pallab had the opportunity to share about how Jesus had touched his life. He also explained the gospel to his new friend. After thinking about Pallab’s words, Rasul ended up deciding to surrender his life to the Lord. At the church where Pallab serves as pastor, Rasul testified that he wanted to follow Jesus, and he joined the congregation.

But his new faith sparked frustration from his family members. Staunchly devoted to their traditional religion, his parents, in-laws and even his wife chastised Rasul for his decision to serve Christ. Like many other Brahmins, they believe any connection with Christianity, which is often considered a low-caste religion, would make them impure.

Church Van Crashes, Leaving One Girl Dead, Others Injured

A church van carrying 12 people from Destiny Church (Assemblies of God) in Columbia, Tenn., crashed off Interstate 40 Thursday morning around 9 a.m.

Investigators say the driver, 24-year-old youth pastor Bobby Sasser, apparently lost control of the vehicle near exit ramp 143 to Highway 13 when the van ran off the road, struck a pole, flipped over and landed on its roof.

A 14-year-old girl, Mackenzie Turner, was killed in the crash. She was an only child.

Back-to-School Drives Collect Supplies for Needy

As schools nationwide prepare to open their doors for another year of learning, most parents are shopping for back-to-school bargains using a school-issued supply list as their guide. But this year, U.S. kids are thinking beyond their own backpacks and buying supplies for kids they have never met.

Americans are stocking up on items for Operation Christmas Child—a massive year-round project of international Christian relief and evangelism organization Samaritan’s Purse—where participants fill shoe boxes with school supplies, toys, necessity items and letters of encouragement for kids overseas.

Two Bible Organizations Merge to Deepen Impact

After a year of discussion and surrendering their ideas to the
Lord, Bible League International (BLI) and World Bible Translation
Center (WBTC) announced on Friday their plans to merge in an effort to
deepen their impact and ministry around the world.

“We began to understand that if any of us in the Christian
ministry world are going to be successful it will not be on our own.
It has to be through partnership,” President and CEO of Bible
League International Robert Frank told Charisma News.

The decision to merge came as a result of a unanimous vote by both
organizations’ boards.

Historically BLI has provided training materials and has worked
through networks of churches and other community organizations around
the world in 63 countries to get the Word of God in the hands of
people in order to bring them into fellowship with Christ and His
church. For more than 30 years, WBTC has provided accurate
translations of God’s Word into various languages of the world.

South Asian Widows Find Healing Hope in Christ

Widows like Swati Baidya and Mridula Das don’t often hear that someone loves them. Swati and Mridula live in South Asia, where being a widow is something like being a pariah: Widows are kicked out of their homes, rejected by society and often find themselves begging for even a little something to eat. In spite of their lot in life, Swati and Mridula have found real hope in their lives.

Mridula’s Story
Mridula is only 33, but she felt as though her life was over. This young widow was left alone with three children to feed when her husband died. And her society did not do anything to help. Rather, it blamed her for causing her husband’s death.

As if Mridula’s status in society wasn’t bad enough, her life got worse when she started having serious health problems. She had to spend more and more of her meager earnings on medicine, but she kept working. She tried to work, but after several years of fighting her weakness left her unable to work.

When GFA-supported missionary Kerketta Rai started a prayer fellowship in her village, Mridula started going. She heard the gospel and began to understand the power of prayer. So she asked everyone who attended the prayer meetings to pray for her. As a result, she was completely healed. Slowly, she began to understand the truth about Jesus and she chose to give her life to Him.

ReachGlobal Justice Initiative Tackles Sex Trafficking

A half a million minor girls are working as prostitutes across India.

The problem is especially significant in West Bengal. In just one year, 2,500 teenage girls were trafficked from the region. Some girls were kidnapped, others coerced into a life of sexual slavery.

Women with children sometimes choose to enter the realm of brothels and slavery as a means of survival. According to the EFCA ReachGlobal website, the average daily wages for rural women laborers in India is 34 to 43 upees (76 to 96 cents) a day, but prostitutes routinely make 100 to 300 rupees ($2.25 to $7.75) per customer and average three or four customers per day.

Q&A: ‘Courageous’ Executive Producer Discusses Rite of Passage

The concept of the rite of passage became so important to Courageous executive producer Jim McBride that he penned a new book that encourages fathers to be intentional about passing on a blessing to their sons and daughters.

When Jim McBride, executive producer of the new movie Courageous, walked his oldest daughter, Victoria, down the aisle on Father’s Day weekend, his eyes brimmed with tears and his heart overflowed.

But it wasn’t just the significance of her marriage that stirred his emotion. McBride found the experience especially profound in light of a rite of passage he conducted years earlier with his daughter.

Evangelists Sucessfully Share Christ Door-to-Door in Haiti

The phrase “door-to-door” could make a lot of people think of an annoying salesman. But in Haiti, more and more hear that phrase as “freedom.”

The unemployment rate in Haiti has been horrific for ages, but since the deadly earthquake that hit the country January 2010, even fewer Haitians have been able to hold a job. Some estimates list the rate of unemployment at nearly 70 percent.

Add on top of this devastating economy a terrifying cholera scare, and many are in desperate need of hope.

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