Are Modern Worship Services Letting the Holy Ghost Move?

One London church leader is trying to persuade fellow clergy that today’s worship services are excessively long.

How long would you estimate your attention span to be? Ten minutes? A half hour? Ninety minutes? It is safe to say that the length of one’s attention span would ultimately depend on the topic or issue at hand. What if the topic was your Creator—the Lover of your soul?

The Bishop of Lichfield, Rev. Jonathan Gledhill submitted in his London diocese recently that “clergy should aim to keep the time of worship to no more than 50 minutes.” He believes worship has become too complicated, leading to confused and excluded churchgoers.

Pro-Life Group Launches Social Media Awareness Campaign

Numbers Don’t Lie. That’s the name of a new social media campaign the National Black Prolife Coalition just launched.

The campaign aims to expose what the coalition has defined as the number one killer of African-Americans: Planned Parenthood and urban abortion clinics.

“Pro-abortion groups cry racism and misogyny because they know they can’t speak to the facts,” says Ryan Bomberger of The Radiance Foundation, the organization that created the video series. “They’ve tried to remove our billboards and crush free speech instead of halting over 363,000 innocent lives needlessly crushed in the black community.”

NM School Suspends Students for Sharing Bible Verses

Relentless. That’s how some might describe the Roswell Independent School District. That’s because the New Mexico system appears to be on a mission to squash the Word of God on its campuses, according to a lawsuit Liberty Counsel filed.

The suit alleges the Roswell Independent School District retaliated against a Christian group called Relentless, punishing and suspending its members for buying and giving fresh Krispy Kreme doughnuts with Bible verses to each of their teachers.

New Reality Show Provides Solution

The fate of television is getting ready to change, and it’s starting with web-based evangelist and author Ty Adams. Reality television will soon offer a solution to troubled relationships and broken marriages, as Adams produces the three-part DVD production, The Real Housewives of the Bible.

Adams became frustrated after learning of the current divorce rate, realizing the upsetting ratio of available men to single women and seeing how society negatively portrays relationships.

“There is a place for reality television, if it’s reality,” says Adams. “TV and multimedia has certainly a place in society, but we should be able to use those airwaves to be able to capture God’s voice. I think in fact God was the first television and movie producer—He captivated His audience through stories. He created images in the minds of those who listened to Him. So God loves reality TV—as long as there’s a solution provided that stands with the word of God.”

Reject Apathy Mag Gives Voice to Social Justice Movement

The publishers of RELEVANT magazine, a Christian publication targeting the college-to-30s audience, just rolled out a new publication. Dubbed Reject Apathy, the magazine aims to give a voice to the faith-based social justice movement in this generation.

Reject Apathy will focus on five key areas—poverty, defense of innocents, creation care, preventable disease and violence. The  accompanying website,, promises a holistic view of social justice issues and solutions. It emphasizes core values of sustainability, local involvement and leadership, faith focus, financial transparency, and a long-term commitment to change.

Discipleship Group Bears Fruit in Senegal

Senegal is somewhere between 4 and 6  percent Christian, and reports show that most in that percentage are Roman Catholic. The Joshua Project has found that only 0.2 percent of the nation are evangelical Christian.

Missions work is vital in the mostly-Muslim country, and a missionary family with The Mission Society felt the burden of the work immediately.

Adam Dalenburg says, “We spent our first couple of years trying to do everything for everyone.”

The family preached, taught English as a second language, and tried to provide for the felt needs of as many as possible to live out Christ’s love. But Adam soon had a revelation.

Christian University Closes Doors, Lack of Funding

Teaching operations at the nation’s oldest Assemblies of God college have been halted, and hearts are heavy.

Bethany University, founded in 1919, will be closing its doors this fall. The closure comes after a deal fell through between private investors seeking to purchase the university and the owner, the Assemblies of God Northern California and Nevada District.

 The announcement was made June 13. As the institution begins its shut down, Rev. James Braddy, chairman of Bethany’s board of trustees, calls for prayer. “This will not be a quick or easy task. Your prayers are desperately needed as we face this very difficult time of transition.”

Evangelists Not Intimidated by Nepal’s Anti-Conversion Law

In about a month and a half, Nepal is supposed to have a new constitution ready to go.

Faced with an Aug. 31 deadline, there’s a high risk of a collapsed peace process should the draft not be completed by that time. 

The new deadline is the extension of another deadline at the end of May which was missed. The May target came about as the result of a 2008 election that eventually brought about an accord between the Maoist rebels and the government. However, the peace was hinged on meeting a two-year mandate for a new constitution.

The political chaos that could result from another miss could permanently derail what’s been accomplished since the civil war ended in 2006. 

Catholic Charismatic Renewal Leader Scanlan Retires

Known for bringing the Charismatic Renewal to a Catholic university campus, Father Michael Scanlan, TOR, retired on June 30.

The 80-year-old served for nearly 12 years as the Franciscan University chancellor after leading the school as president for 26 years.

Scanlan founded Catholic summer conference programs for adults and teens in 1975 with a national Catholic charismatic conference for priests and deacons. Today, Franciscan’s summer conferences reach over 40,000 people annually with the good news of authentic Catholic renewal and the New Evangelization.

Answered Prayers Spark Wrath of Anti-Christian Extremists

Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Murli Ghulam was released from prison, but he is restricted from traveling outside his own village. Additional details about Murli’s ministry and the events leading to his release are also being reported.

Murli was arrested on July 2 as he was leading a prayer meeting in a believer’s home and charged with bribing and forcing people to convert to Christianity. The charge was brought by anti-Christian extremists in his village.

Murli lives in an area with strict laws that make it difficult to share the love of Jesus with people from the area’s traditional religions. These statutes, which are often used as a basis of arresting Christian pastors, are known as “freedom of religion laws” and outline what steps must be taken to change one’s faith. In some places where there are “freedom of religion laws,” individuals are legally obligated to submit paperwork to the government before they are allowed to publicly follow Christ.

Final ‘Harry Potter’ Film Dangerous, Christian Scholar Warns

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II, the final film in the popular series, still offers audiences some dangerous, forbidden occult content and false religion. So warns family advocate and Christian media scholar Dr. Ted Baehr, chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission.

“The final chapter to the Harry Potter stories, like the books, contains some surprisingly overt Christian allegorical elements,” Baehr admits, “but the movie version slightly changes the final confrontation between the hero and the villain to make it even more like a spectacular magical showdown between two sorcerers.”

Baehr, a theologian and Bible scholar, pointed out that the God of the Bible strongly condemns witchcraft and sorcery as evil and loathsome in Deuteronomy 18:10-13. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ affirms all of God’s law in Matthew 5:17 and other passages.

A Call to Prayer for South Sudan

Thousands around the world lifted prayers of thanksgiving on Saturday as South Sudan celebrated its first day as an independent nation. And some of the people praying thanked God specifically for the role that Franklin Graham, president and CEO of BGEA and Samaritan’s Purse, played in helping South Sudan achieve independence.

USA Today acknowledged that role in a Tuesday article. DeWayne Wickham wrote that along with the efforts of Presidents Bush and Obama, “South Sudan also has Franklin Graham to thank,” saying that Graham “played an important role in supporting the secession of South Sudan—whose 8 million people are mostly Christians—from Muslim-dominated Sudan.”

Portugal Sees Fruit of Evangelism Efforts

Fifteen people came forward to the foot of the cross at the Baptist Church of Queluz, Portugal.

Tears of joy and brokenness flowed as they asked Jesus to come into their lives or to restore them.

People gathered in the library for prayer with those that committed their lives and there was sweet harmony as people began to sing “Amazing Grace.”

And nobody wanted to leave.

“We felt that the Spirit of the Lord was present and active,” José Pego Guedes said. “We have great joy for the results expressed in the many decisions for Christ Jesus.”

South Asians Receive Miracles, Reject Christ

God has shown His power to numerous people in South Asia who are still refusing to follow Him, despite His miraculous power at work in their lives. Even after seeing God bring healing and deliverance to their family members, many have hardened hearts and continue to reject Jesus.

Blessed, but Not Yet Believing
Gajendra Verma, touched by the love of God, has still not chosen to give his life to the One who healed him.

This man’s life was going well, until one day he began having severe pain in his eyes. Within a few days, he was totally blind. After visiting many hospitals and trying various treatments, he was still in the dark. Gajendra worships traditional gods and goddesses of his area and is strong in his religious practices. So he turned to these idols, offering many sacrifices in hopes of being healed, but nothing helped his condition.

One of Gajendra’s friends led him to the home of a man known as “one who heals.” This man is really a Gospel for Asia-supported missionary who is well known in his area for praying for the sick. After listening to Gajendra’s situation, the missionary felt compassion and prayed for his healing. By the grace of God, Gajendra’s eyes were healed and his pain left. He could finally see again! Gajendra was overjoyed and seemed interested in choosing to follow Christ.

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