South Sudan’s Independence Could Cause Difficulties for North Sudan Christians

As the world’s newest country, South Sudan has held the headline spotlight since its July 9 secession from the North. Amid the excitement and concerns over what’s to come for the new nation, however, Carl Moeller with Open Doors believes one group has been forgotten.

Moeller explains, “We are rejoicing that there are increased freedoms (and of course more challenges) in the South, but we have to ask the question: What about the Christians in the North?”

Christians have already been fleeing back to the South for fear of what is to come in the North. Open Doors reports that although many Christians are said to have returned to the South voluntarily, some observers have pointed out that they had departed because they could not be assured of their safety.

Bangladeshi Christians Charged With Offending Muslims

Police in Bangladesh have charged two Christians and their four Muslim friends with “hurting religious sensibility” just three days after they were cleared of any wrongdoing.

The accused will appear in court tomorrow to face the charges, which were filed against them three days after they were exonerated on April 10. They had been arrested on March 24 in Damurhuda, Chuadanga district, some 210 kilometers (126 miles) northwest of Dhaka, under Section 54 of the penal code, which provides a special power to police to arrest anyone on any suspicion. They were released on bail three days later.

Mannan Mridha, a pastor in the Way of Peace movement of 490 house churches in northwest Bangladesh, told Compass that the second case was filed only to stop Christian activities in the area.

911 Call Reveals Botched First Trimester Abortion

Operation Rescue has released the second in a series of 911 calls made over a recent 15-month period from Southwestern Women’s Options, an abortion clinic in Albuquerque, N.M. The call reveals a botched first trimester abortion procedure that required emergency medical intervention.

The patient was a 30-year old woman who suffered “uterine bleeding,” a sign of a possible punctured womb, which is a life-threatening abortion complication. The call was placed on Nov. 3, at 12:42 PM.

iPhone App Helps You Pronounce Tough Bible Words

Shealtiel? Epaenetus? Ever wonder how to pronounce some of the more exotic names and places you read about in the Bible? There’s an app for that!

If you use an iPhone or an iPad, you can tap into the Bible Audio Pronunciations application, which offers up audio recordings of more than 1,000 challenging words found in scripture.

“We wanted to give people an easy tool to raise their level of understanding and enjoyment from reading the Bible,” says Michael Vance, developer of the app. “It will speak out loud some of its most difficult words.”

C.J. Mahaney Takes Leave Over ‘Serious’ Charges

C.J. Mahaney, president of Sovereign Grace Ministries, announced on Wednesday that he is taking a leave of absence from his leadership position.

In a blog post on SGM’s website, Mahaney says pastors and leaders within Sovereign Grace have made charges against him and other leaders over the last few years, and he is taking a leave of absence “in order to give time to considering these charges, examine my heart and receive the appropriate help from others.”

Mahaney says the charges, which have been difficult to read, “are not related to any immorality or financial impropriety, but this doesn’t minimize their serious nature, which include various expressions of pride, unentreatability, deceit, sinful judgment and hypocrisy.”

China Activist Chen Suffers Malnutrition in Detention

After repeated beatings and malnutrition suffered in house detention, blind pro-life activist Chen Guangcheng’s health is deteriorating quickly. Now, human rights organizations are pushing harder than ever for his freedom.

Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and China Aid Association on Tuesday called for urgent action on Guangcheng’s behalf. In order to drive more attention to the international cause, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers released a new video demanding freedom for Chen and his family. (You can view the video at the end of this story.)

Guangcheng was arrested in 2006 for exposing evidence that 130,000 forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations were performed on women in Linyi County, Shandong Province in a single year. Time Magazine named him one of “2006’s Top 100 People Who Shape Our World” and he was given the 2007 Magsaysay award, known as Asia’s Nobel Peace Prize.

“The abuse of Chen Guangcheng is unconscionable and contrary to the rule of law,” says Bob Fu, president of China Aid. “His mistreatment under house arrest is deplorable, including beatings, constant surveillance, as well as confiscation of his computer, cell phone, books, his blind cane and the toys of his young daughter.”

Christian Summer Camps Sow Seeds of Faith

Summer means camp season for many children, teens and even adults across North America.

This summer, Bible Centered Ministries will host about a dozen camps over an eight-week period in the U.S. and Canada.

CEO Marty Windle says BCM has about 35 camping programs worldwide.

“We have camps that focus on evangelism through the teaching of English. We have camps that are focused on reaching special needs people groups. We have camps in multiple languages. We have camps for young people,” says Windle. “In Holland, we have an interesting camp that is designed for people who are over 60 years of age.”

14,000 Kenyans Brave Rain to Hear Gospel

The rains kept coming. Will Graham kept preaching.

And God kept moving in Kenya.

By the time Sunday night’s final invitation was over, giant puddles were about the only thing remaining at the Mama Scrape Grounds where the Will Graham Celebration of Peace Nakuru had taken place for three straight nights.

But on that soggy field, hundreds upon hundreds had made life-changing decisions to accept Christ as their personal Savior in this city of Nakuru, a two-hour drive from Nairobi, and a place where over a quarter million people call home.

More than 14,000 braved the sketchy weather conditions to hear what the grandson of Billy Graham had to say.

Imprisoned Lao Pastor ‘Extremely Weak,’ Family Says

A Lao pastor imprisoned six months ago for holding a “secret meeting” has lost weight under harsh prison conditions and is extremely weak, according to his family.

Police arrested Wanna and fellow pastor and inmate Yohan, both identified only by a single name, on Jan. 4, along with several other Christians in central Laos’s Khammouan Province.

Prison authorities have repeatedly told the men that they will “walk free” as soon as they sign documents renouncing their faith, advocacy group Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom said.

30 Percent of Americans Take Bible Literally

Three in 10 Americans interpret the Bible literally, saying it is the actual Word of God. That is similar to what Gallup has measured over the last two decades, but down from the 1970s and 1980s.

A 49 percent plurality of Americans say the Bible is the inspired word of God but that it should not be taken literally, consistently the most common view in Gallup’s nearly 40-year history of this question. Another 17 percent consider the Bible an ancient book of stories recorded by man.

These results are based on a May 5-8 Gallup poll. The high point in the percentage of Americans favoring a literal interpretation of the Bible was 40 percent, recorded in 1980 and 1984. The low point was 27 percent in 2001.

‘Matthew Sunday’ Spurs Haiti Evangelism Opportunities

The dirt road is hilly, pocked with mud puddles and strewn with pebbles. But the sky on this day is blue, the sun bright, and a gentle breeze carries the scent of the sea just a few miles away.

The Haitian mother and her two daughters who travel the road each week on their way to First Eglise Evangelique Baptiste de Saintard enjoy the walk. Dressed in their Sunday best—Mama in a crisp red suit and wide-brimmed black hat, daughters in white lace and pink satin respectively—the three join arms and sing a little chorus of praise.

In this remote area of Haiti, the scars of the 2010 earthquake aren’t visible on the landscape, only in the souls of its people. But tell-tale signs of poverty haunt every corner—in the form of emaciated dogs and hungry children looking for scraps of food.

The church is a haven, tucked behind a security wall.

Harry Potter Film Spawns Demonic Teen Trends

Pottermania will experience one last spasm as the Grand Finale of Harry Potter movies, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, opens July 15.

When the book was released in July 2007, 11 million copies sold in 24 hours, making it the “fastest selling book in history.” When Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 hits theaters this Friday, once again, global interest will soar higher than Quidditch players seeking golden snitches.

While most consider all anti-Potterism downright Mugglish, concerns remain high among many parents over exactly where these novels and movies, along with Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Saga, are catapulting this generation of kids.

Israel Deporting Final Pro-Palestinian Activists

Israel intends to expel 81 pro-Palestinian activists in coming days who arrived at Ben-Gurion International Airport last week, reported local media.

The activists are the last batch of over a hundred people who landed at Ben-Gurion as part of the “fly-in,” an event led by the “Welcome Palestine” organization.

The event’s organizers originally planned to fly upwards of 1,000 international activists to Israel, in order to stage Palestinian solidarity events in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Missionary Arrested Walking to Church

Gospel for Asia-supported missionary, Gobesh Manranman, was arrested July 3 on his way to church. He is in jail, charged with being a member of a murderous rebel group that is the target of a government crackdown.

Gobesh, who is pastor of a small congregation in a village near a large city center, was taken into custody while walking to church Sunday morning.

Pastors are often charged with being associated with this rebel group because they openly minister to individuals who are part of the group. They do not condone their rebel activities.

Rather, they want to introduce them to the Savior. Other times, local people who are angry becuase many in their village choose to leave their traditional faith to embrace Christ, make false allegations against them.

Missions Organization Prepares for South Sudan Independence

Saturday (July 9) will be Independence Day for the citizens of South Sudan. 

A 2005 peace deal brought an end to the civil war, while promising Southerners the chance to vote for independence. That referendum vote came in January when an overwhelming majority chose to split from Khartoum.

In preparation to become Africa’s newest sovereign state, the legislative assembly on Thursday ratified the new constitution for the nation-in-waiting. There’s a lot of hope riding on the actual secession.

Palau Leads Historic Gospel Campaign in France

God’s Word is breaking through in a country that Luis Palau says has resisted gospel preaching for hundreds of years—southern France.

Palau led an evangelistic campaign in southern France last week. The campaign, which targeted the cities of Istres, Aix-en-Provence and Marignane, ended with a three-day gospel festival on Marseille’s crowded Plage du Prado beach. The festival reached 16,000 with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was the first time a gospel event was allowed in an open venue.

Franklin Graham Celebrates South Sudan’s Independence Day

Franklin Graham will be a witness to South Sudan history this weekend.

The CEO and president of both Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association will be on hand to celebrate South Sudan’s first weekend of Independence from Sudan.

Saturday marks South Sudan’s official Independence Day.

“Americans just celebrated the birth of the United States, so it is with special appreciation that we now turn to another nation preparing to start its own journey of independence,” Franklin Graham said in a Samaritan’s Purse statement. “Saturday, July 9, will be the day that South Sudan will officially become the youngest country on earth.”

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