Eddie Long’s Colleagues Speak Out on Scandal

Recent public statements by megachurch pastors in response to a scandal-ridden peer reveal differing perspectives on repentance, restoration and ministerial ethics.

Last September, four men—all former members of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta—claimed the church’s pastor, Eddie Long, used gifts, trips and money to coerce them into engaging in sex acts with him. Although no criminal charges were filed, Long settled with his accusers last month, leading some church leaders who had previously reserved judgment to speak out.

On June 5, fellow Atlanta pastor Creflo Dollar urged his World Changers Church to refrain from gossiping about the Long scandal and warned disgruntled New Birth members that they would not find a listening ear at his church. 

“That preacher’s still anointed to do what he was called to. He just had a wreck. The blood will take care of his issue just like it will take care of yours,” Dollar stated. “And I just can’t believe that people would leave their preacher because he had a wreck, instead of praying for him.”

What Are Global Church Leaders Worried About?

A survey of 2,196 Protestant leaders from around the world highlighted the concerns shared by Christians in 166 countries and the divergent outlooks for the church in the Global North (Europe, North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand) and the Global South (sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America and most of Asia).

On Wednesday, the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life released the results of a survey of those invited to attend the Third Lausanne Congress of World Evangelization, a 10-day gathering of ministers and lay leaders held in October in Cape Town, South Africa. The leaders surveyed expressed agreement on theological and social issues, such as abortion, homosexuality, the authority of Scripture and the uniqueness of Christ, but leaders from the Global North and the Global South expressed differing outlooks for the future of the church in their parts of the world.

Delta Accused of Discriminating Against Christians, Jews

Delta Air Lines is under fire for the company it keeps.

The American Center for Law and Justice is outright demanding that Delta Air Lines put the kibosh on its partnership with Saudi Arabian Airlines. Why? The ACLJ says the airlines has discriminatory policies targeting Jews, Christians and women.

Under the Delta-Saudi arrangement, American Jews and non-Jews with an Israel stamp in their passport may be prohibited from flying into the country, which embraces Shariah Law and open discrimination.

Muslims Lost in Floundering Outreach Funding

According to Joshua Project, approximately 1 percent of missions funding is given for outreach to unreached people groups. Less than 1 percent of that funding is given for Muslim evangelistic efforts. This staggering reminder comes at a time when outreach to those who claim Islam as their faith is pivotal.

Speaking from Lebanon, the president of the Crescent Project Fouad Masri spoke to Greg Yoder. He says this point in the history of outreach to Muslims is second to none: “The openness has never been this way. It’s unprecedented that people are interested in knowing about Christ. God is on the move. We’ve never seen them open for the Good News, not only in the U.S., but here.”

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Michael Youssef Blames Church for Gay Marriage Laws

In the wake of New York passing a gay marriage bill last Friday, there are many voices crying out.

Some in the secular world—and even in the church—are celebrating. Others, like Dr. Michael Youssef, are weeping.

Although many are blaming Republicans, Youssef is pointing a bold finger directly at the church of Jesus Christ. As he sees it, the church allowed this abomination to rise up and the church is the only body on earth working to restore God’s righteousness to the land.

Charisma News caught up with Youssef, founder and president of Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef, a worldwide television ministry, and senior pastor of The Church of the Apostles in Atlanta, to discuss his thoughts on the gay marriage campaigns across the country and how the church should respond now.

Nearly 3,000 Accept Christ at Auckland Harvest

It was the largest outreach of its kind since Billy Graham visited the area in 1959 and 1969—and nearly 3,000 people got saved during the weekend event.

Some 200 churches throughout the Auckland, New Zealand, area watched and prayed expectantly on Saturday and Sunday as they hosted the Greg Laurie: Auckland Harvest at Vector Arena.

The prayers of many were answered as Vector Arena filled to overflowing both nights of the outreach. More than 21,000 people flooded the arena, and another 2,000 watched from an overflow area. By the end of the outreach, 2,777 people made decisions to put their faith in Christ. Another 170 accepted Christ via an online broadcast.

Enraged Muslims Raze Christian Homes in Egypt

Enraged Muslims burned down several Christian-owned homes, surrounded a church and threatened to kill a priest last week in two unrelated incidents in Upper Egypt.

On Saturday in Awlad Khalaf village, just outside Sohag, 240 miles (386 kilometers) south of Cairo, local Muslims attacked Coptic Christian Wahib Halim Atteyah, robbed him of 32,000 Saudi Riyals ($8,530), and bulldozed his home along with the other structures on his property, according to local media. The group then raided six other Coptic-owned homes and burned them to the ground. Most of the stolen items were returned because of efforts of other Muslims in the area, according to Egyptian newspaper Watani.

Enraged Muslims Raze Christian Homes in Egypt

Egypt Chruch Fire

Firefighters put out a fire at a church surrounded by
angry Muslims in the Imbaba neighborhood in Cairo on
May 7. (AP Photo)

Enraged Muslims burned down several Christian-owned homes, surrounded a church and threatened to kill a priest last week in two unrelated incidents in Upper Egypt.

On Saturday in Awlad Khalaf village, just outside Sohag, 240 miles (386 kilometers) south of Cairo, local Muslims attacked Coptic Christian Wahib Halim Atteyah, robbed him of 32,000 Saudi Riyals ($8,530), and bulldozed his home along with the other structures on his property, according to local media. The group then raided six other Coptic-owned homes and burned them to the ground. Most of the stolen items were returned because of efforts of other Muslims in the area, according to Egyptian newspaper Watani.

Jury Finds Blagojevich Guilty of Corruption

Rod Blagojevich
AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

Rod Blagojevich. It’s a name that will go down in Chicago political history as scandalous, especially after he was convicted Monday on a variety of corruption charges. He becomes the third Illinois governor to go down in legal flames.

Despite Blagojevich steadfastly and very publicly denying all the charges against him, including the allegation that he tried to sell then President-elect Barack Obama’s U.S. Senate seat, he now faces up to 300 years in prison.

Blagojevich’s book The Governor hit store shelves in September 2009. In it, he said his accusers are lying. After deliberating for 10 days, 12 jurors felt otherwise.

Operation Rescue Calls Obama to Withdraw Six Nomination

stevesixOperation Rescue is calling on President Obama to withdraw the nomination of Steve Six to the Federal Appeals Court.

“Based on the lack of support by Senators from Six’s home state and Six’s proven willingness to allow political and personal biases influence his professional decisions, President Obama should spare the nation a protracted and divisive battle over this nominee and withdraw his name from consideration,” says Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

Kansas Senators Jerry Moran and Past Roberts have each issued statements opposing the Six nomination. Votes on his confirmation have been delayed several times in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Six is a pro-abortion Democrat who was appointed by former Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who now serves as Obama’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, to finish a term as Kansas Attorney General after Paul Morrison was forced to resign in disgrace amid an unseemly sex and abortion corruption scandal. Six was defeated last November in his own bid for Attorney General.

Human Life Begins at Conception, Federal Court Rules

fetusbigA federal court on Friday handed down an order that temporarily suspends a provision of an Indiana law that defunds abortionist organizations like Planned Parenthood. That’s the bad news.

The good news is the order also upheld a key provision that requires women to be informed that “human physical life begins when a human ovum is fertilized by a human sperm.”

Specifically, the order explained that “the language crafted by the legislature in this provision supports a finding that the mandated statement refers exclusively to a growing organism that is a member of the Homo sapiens species.”

1,500 Get Saved at Festival de Esperanza

bgea_salvationHis words struck a chord. Maria felt chills run up her spine when Franklin Graham talked about the temporal nature of the human body on this final night of the Festival de Esperanza.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association hosted the Festival de Esperanza, the first-ever American Hispanic festival, Saturday and Sunday at the Home Depot Center in Los Angeles.

“The body is made out of dust of the ground,” said Graham. “Your soul is the real you and it will never die. What should it profit a man to gain whole world but lose his soul?”

Kansas Abortion Clinic Shut Down

AP Photo

Kansas may not be completely free of abortion clinics, but the battle is raging for God’s will there.

A new Kansas abortion law will close one of the state’s three remaining abortion facilities and is likely to force a second to discontinue providing surgical abortions. The Aid for Women clinic in Kansas City was denied a license by the state health department last week.

However, Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri President Peter Brownlie are optimistic following a 20-hour inspection of the organization’s Overland Park location. “The findings of the inspection indicate we will be in full compliance with the abortion facility license regulations when they go into effect on July 1,” Brownlie told the Associated Press. “Thus, I believe we should be granted a license.”

NOM Pledges $2 Million to Reverse NY Gay Marriage Law

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Gay marriage may be legal in New York today, but the National Organization for Marriage isn’t ready to bless the homosexual unions. In fact, NOM President Brian Brown just promised to spend at least $2 million during the 2012 elections to make sure Republicans get this message loud and clear: Voting for gay marriage has consequences.

“The Republican party has torn up its contract with the voters who trusted them in order to facilitate Andrew Cuomo’s bid to be president of the U.S.” Brown says. “Selling out your principles to get elected is wrong. Selling out your principles to get the other guy elected is just plain dumb.”

COGIC’s Bishop Patterson Passes

bishoppattersonThe Church of God in Christ Bishop James Oglethorpe Patterson Jr. died on Saturday.

Patterson was born in Memphis, Tenn., on May 28, 1935, to the late President Bishop of the Church of God in Christ, Bishop J.O. Patterson, Sr. and Deborah M. Patterson. He was the grandson of the COGIC founder Bishop Charles Harrison Mason.

Known as both a churchman and a statesman, Patterson served as chairman of the General Assembly, the legislative body of the church for nearly 11 years. As chairman of the General Assembly, Patterson supervised all sessions of the legislative authority of COGIC.

“Bishop J.O. Patterson was a wise and faithful chairman who served in one of the highest offices of the Church of God in Christ,” says Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake. “The General Assembly of the church is the doctrine-expressing body of the church, and Bishop Patterson led that entity effectively and with vision. He will be greatly missed. We offer our sincere prayers to his wife, family and the Pentecostal Temple congregation.”

Perkins Blames Republicans for NY Gay Marriage Law

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As celebrities, government officials and regular Joes and Janes alike celebrate the legalization of gay marriage in New York, Christian family organizations are offering some harsh words for the Republican-dominate New York Senate.

As Family Research Council President Tony Perkins sees it, enormous political coercion has resulted in a profound failure of moral courage in the New York Senate.

A clear majority of the people of New York oppose counterfeit ‘marriage,’ he notes, but Gov. Andrew Cuomo and anti-family lawmakers have shown that their allegiance is to a small but vocal minority seeking to redefine marriage and family.

Witch Doctor Gets Saved in Asia

gfa_witchdoctorHundreds of people used to go to Sampat for healing. His witchcraft would temporarily rid them of their ailments. Yet when Sampat fell sick, he wasn’t able to heal himself.

He tried using his powers to find a cure, and when that didn’t work, he sought the help of doctors. But the doctors weren’t able to do much. Instead, they gave him the bad news that his kidneys were failing, and he didn’t have much longer to live.

In deep discouragement, Sampat was awaiting his death—that is, until a Gospel for Asia-supported missionary visited his home and prayed for him. It was after that prayer that Sampat began to feel “a little free inside, like some burden was removed from his body,” said a GFA field correspondent.

NBC Pledge of Allegiance Apology Not Enough for Family Research Council

American flag
AP Photo/David Duprey

An apology is just not good enough for the Family Research Council.

NBC apologized for removing the phrase “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance in a broadcast of the U.S. Open Golf Tournament on Sunday, but the FRC wants more.

The council is urging its members to send NBC a message, demanding that “the network … take corrective action to ensure that the public airwaves will not be used to censor our nation’s Pledge of Allegiance.”

Woman Loosed From Demonic Chains After Six Years

GFA PastorSukhra Chauhan was unknowingly possessed by a demon for almost six years. After an arduous search for deliverance, she unexpectedly came to the right place—her relative’s house.

Sukhra’s torment robbed her entire family of peace. Desperate for a solution to her problems, they spent a lot of money going to magicians who could supposedly heal sicknesses.

None of them could help Sukhra. But when she went to another state for a religious festival, she ended up visiting a relative, a Christian woman who belongs to the congregation of GFA-supported pastor Vibhas Jaiteley. Sukhra’s relative realized she was demon possessed and asked her to stay in her home for a few days.

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