African-American Leaders Demand Speaker Ryan Move to Censure Maxine Waters


The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), which assembled a nationwide network of 800 pastors representing 2 million African-Americans, held a press conference today on Capitol Hill to call for censure of Maxine Waters and to call for an end to incivility and the attacks on supporters of President Trump and his policies.

“Congresswoman Maxine Waters has violated the sacred trust we have in each other as Americans to have each of our rights stop at another’s nose,” says Star Parker, President of CURE. “Her call to extremism based on where another American citizen works or with whom they associate must be sternly addressed by Speaker Ryan.

“An apology is not enough, nor did she offer one after being asked by our House Speaker. As we move into two months of intense debate over the next SCOTUS nomination, the censuring of Congresswoman Maxine Waters becomes of urgency, so we compel Speaker Paul Ryan to heed the call of many Freedom Caucus Members and censure Congresswoman Maxine Waters today.”

“The liberty to disagree is under attack,” says Johms Gool of Christian Victory Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“Our founders put together a few pages dealing with human nature … human nature has no expiration date, so neither does our Constitution,” says Bishop David Richey of Operation MOBILE International Churches, Inc.

“Maxine Waters’ actions are shameful,” says Diante Johnson, president and founder of the Black Conservative Federation.

“Speaker Ryan must censure Rep. Waters,” says Bishop Aubrey Shines of Glory to Glory Ministries. {eoa}


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