Donald Trump

Mark Levin: ‘I’m Going to Wind Up Voting for Donald Trump’


When it came to those who have said they will never vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, nationally syndicated radio host Mark Levin was perhaps one of the most vocal.


During his program Tuesday, Levin told his audience he will very likely vote for the GOP nominee on Nov. 8. He’s still not convinced Trump is conservative, and he says the New York City businessman hasn’t earned his trust, but the alternative—Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton—is “far too dangerously liberal to allow anywhere near the Oval Office.”

He laid out the case against Clinton, saying her policies would be “the final nail in the coffin” for the United States by bankrupting the nation and advancing her liberal agenda “by presidential fiat, as she has promised to do.” Then he addressed Trump.

Levin said he still believed U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) would have been the best president, and he still has problems with Trump’s antics during the GOP presidential primary race, his “protectionist” trade policies, and what he said is a “lack of understanding” of constitutional law. However, he also praised the Republican nominee’s tax and immigration plans.

“I think this is a binary election, at least for the country. Either Clinton or Trump will be president of the United States,” he said, adding a moment later, “So, I’m going to vote for Donald Trump. I’m going to wind up voting for Donald Trump on Election Day.”


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