New Trump Ad to Clinton: Do You Really Have to Ask?

Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign released a new 30-second web ad that attempts to answer Hillary Clinton’s very important question: Why isn’t she 50 points ahead?

The ad, titled “Do You Really Need to Ask?” offers up three possibilities:

  • “Maybe it’s because you arrogantly call Americans deplorable.”
  • “Or, maybe it’s because the Director of the FBI said you lied about your emails.”
  • “Or, maybe it’s because your policies have allowed ISIS and terrorism to spread and made America less safe and less prosperous.”

The ad is now running everywhere one can access the internet. Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller said Clinton is becoming more and more frustrated with “how out of touch she is with the American people.”

“Her message is not resonating with everyday Americans, as evidenced by the closing poll numbers, and she has completely underestimated the influence of Mr. Trump’s movement,” he said. “Expect to see more aggressive outbursts from the Clinton camp as she realizes her email scandal, horrific record and disdain for the American people block her from being coronated as she originally intended.”

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