Vice President Mike Pence

This Is How Vice President Pence Spent His Saturday Afternoon


The liberal mainstream media has recently made note of the many speeches Vice President Mike Pence has made of late in the so-called “early voting states,” suggesting he’s doing so to lay the groundwork for a 2020 presidential campaign.

This new narrative, steeped in the spirit of Leviathan, attempts to paint the relationship between President Donald Trump and his vice president as damaged beyond repair. This, of course, completely ignores the content of those speeches, in which the vice president heaps high praise on both the president and his agenda.

Another such example was the vice president’s appearance at U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst’s annual “Roast & Ride” fundraiser at the Central Iowa Ag Expo near Boone, Iowa. He spoke there Saturday afternoon to several thousand supporters who had braved sunburns and heat exhaustion in the near-90-degree sunshine.

You can see the whole speech in the video clip above. How the vice president got there, though, was just as entertaining as his speech.

The vice president and second lady flew from Washington, D.C., to Des Moines aboard Air Force Two. Then, they drove in a motorcade to a nearby Harley-Davidson dealership, where they met up with Ernst and several other conservative motorcycle enthusiasts before hopping on a Harley of Pence’s own for the 40-mile trip to the Ag Expo site.

You can see his arrival in the video clip below.



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