Frank Amedia

This Pastor’s Prophetic Word About the Elections Is Already Coming True


Months before anyone was taking the candidacy of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump seriously, the Lord spoke to pastor Frank Amedia, and told him the New York businessman would win the GOP nomination.

Now he says he’s been given a new word about the 2016 presidential election and parallels what he sees with characters in the book of Esther in the Old Testament. In that story, evil people plotted to destroy the people of God—the Jews—but He sent a deliverer and in the end, the evil perpetrator Haman hung on his own gallows.

Amedia recently shared this insight for The Jim Bakker Show. He also shared his experiences, as well as his prophecy, with Charisma founder Steve Strang for his “Strang Report” podcast. Click here to listen.

Here’s how Amedia—who has met with Trump and prayed for him publicly—ties in this spiritual insight into Esther to this presidential election:

Several months back … the Lord spoke to me, and He said as we got close to the election date that something would be revealed and taken from the deep-dark into the light. And that it would come—that it would be shady and murky and very, very dark.

So I’ve been praying that way and waiting for that. On the eve of the third debate, Oct. 19, the Lord spoke to me as I sat down to watch it, and He said, “This really doesn’t matter, there’s a shift that’s going to happen right after this, and I want you to pray. I want you to be ready for it. I want you to prophesy for it.”

Right after that, I got an invitation to go and be on Jim Bakker, who’s very strong in supporting Trump. He invited me because of my prior position as a liaison for Christian policy, speaking out for the campaign, being a prophetic voice.

As I was traveling there the Holy Spirit spoke to me. He said very clearly, while I was rushing to get on my plane in Chicago, He said, “Call Alveda King.”

I called her and said, “Alveda, I’m jumping on an airplane. The Lord said you have a word for me.”

She didn’t hesitate; she said, “Vashti and Esther,” and she began to tell me a little bit about Vashti and Esther and I said, “Yes, yes, I know about them.” But right away, it activated in my spirit.

Alveda King, the niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., told Amedia that these were two women, living in a system of female oppression in a harem. When married to the king, they responded to a crisis from two vantage points. King said that from Vashti that indignation without prayer ends in short-circuited justice. Vashti responded with emotions. Esther prayed and sought divine solutions, and won justice for herself and her people.

Amedia says in the podcast:

I became impregnated with this word that began to burst outside of me. I took it with me to Branson. … I got into my room, I fasted and I prayed all through the night and into the morning. When I got onto the set, and when Jim finally released it for me, it just burst out of me.

The Lord spoke to me. He said, subsequent to that—he said that Haman is going to hang on his own gallows. I began to burst this word out, and it just fell right in line with a modern-day understanding and revelation of the book of Esther.

Within the king’s court arose Haman, a vizier who had ambitions fueled by a “Jezebel spirit.” He sought authority by which he could destroy the Jews and Mordecai, and thereby steal the kingdom away from the king. He also brought the princes in on his plan, engaging in his own pay-for-play.

Learning of the plot, Mordecai turns to Esther. Amedia continues his prophecy:

In that position, Mordecai pleads with Esther, “Please stand up for such a time as this.” Esther is reluctant, but finally she does. But when she does, before she goes forward, she makes a commitment in her heart.

She says, “I’m either going to live, or I’m going to die by this.” She hangs onto those words that Mordecai gave her: “If you don’t do this, God will raise up someone else, but neither you nor your house will have a part in it anymore.”

Esther is representing the church right now in this election. God is calling upon us to rise up. He’s saying if we don’t, He will surely accomplish what He wants to do for his kingdom, but we may not have a part in it again. Who may not have a part in it? The United States.

God is calling us up here in the states as the body of Christ, and He’s putting us in that position to withstand the spirit of Jezebel. Haman happens to start with an H. We have a Jezebel spirit today that’s alive, trying to steal our country away from us again, embedded within another king’s government. The two of them seem to get along, but yet they’re clashing.

Esther stands up, but before she does, she calls the people to a fast. She doesn’t go in there without the anointing, she doesn’t go there without breaking the strongholds. She calls them to the Esther fast, which was neither food nor drink for the three days, and then she goes and stands in the court, where if the king rejects her, she dies. If the king accepts her, she goes in.

She’s accepted. She goes in. At the same time, Haman is already celebrating—the polls have already declared that ‘Haman’ has won—the princes are already celebrating with him. They’re already developing their transition team, they’re popping the corks on the champagne, and they’re getting ready to celebrate that Haman is going to take this kingdom.

At the same time, Haman builds the gallows to hang Mordecai, but we know what happens. The king ends up hanging Haman in his own gallows. Here’s where we sit right now.

The Lord says to the body of Christ, ‘Stand up. Call down Haman right now. … Two nights ago, when I returned from the Jim Bakker taping, I was praying about this some more, and I woke up at 3 o’clock in the morning—that hour of the watch in the middle of the night—and I saw a vision.

I began to see the body of Christ in intercession. … We were praying. And as we were praying, the Lord had me speak out of my mouth, “Come down, Haman.”

When I did, I reached up my hand and I pulled down, and all of us began to pull down, and there was a rumble and a tumble that happened in the heavens, and it began to fall. It began to scream and cry out. It was the Jezebel spirit, and I saw it land right on top of the gallows, and I saw the cord pull and the floor let out beneath, and Haman is hanging in his own gallows—the spirit of Jezebel.

God is crying out to us now and saying, “Let’s intercede. Let’s pull down that spirit of Jezebel for the church not to give up and we’re going to see—not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit,” sayeth the Lord.

Amedia has had incredible access to the Trump campaign, as well as the Trump family, since around March—a moment he said the Lord told him would come. Based on what the Lord had told him earlier, he “immediately came out in support” of the billionaire’s campaign a year and a half ago, but this new opportunity afforded him the chance to speak prophetically into both Trump’s life and his campaign.


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