Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Former DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Probably Didn’t See This Coming


Following her abrupt resignation in the wake of the WikiLeaks release of nearly 20,000 emails related to the Democratic Party’s 2016 election efforts, DNC Chairwoman U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz thought she would get a brief respite from the firestorm Monday morning.

She thought wrong.

At a breakfast she held in honor of the Florida delegation to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, she was heckled, shouted down and eventually booed off the stage by angry supporters of U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders. She tried briefly to laugh off the “interest” in her event, but eventually had to succumb to reality.

CNN captured the commotion, which left morning Newsroom anchor Carol Costello momentarily speechless. See it below.


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