How God Can Miraculously Heal You From Autism and More


There was a time in my life where I was fighting three types of spiritual warfare: autism, Asperger’s and obsessive compulsive disorder. I was basically a walking civil war, and each one of these conditions were the spiritual wrestling matches I would face every day. Thankfully someone taught me the things I needed to know to overcome these battles. The more and more I acquainted myself with God, the more and more I was able to recognize that the civil war going on in my mind was the work of the enemy.

A Scripture that really spoke to me during that season was Psalm 139:1-2 (NKJV): “O Lord, You have searched me and known me, You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off.” These words reassured me and calmed the anxiety I had.

As much as a child with autism, Asperger’s or obsessive compulsive disorder might look at himself or herself as though there is something wrong or might feel separated from everything, with God, this can be overturned in every sense. A parent can lay their hands on their child’s shoulders and speak the words of Psalm 139:1-5 over them.

God knows everything. He knows what is going on in everyone’s life. His Word says He has searched each of us; He knows our sitting down and our rising up; He understands our thoughts afar off.

As His Word sank into my heart and was deposited into my spirit, slowly and surely my confused thoughts were healed. I realized I was no longer alone, but rather God was with me. He knew my every thought and how I was feeling. Every single day, my mind was transformed and changed.

I encourage you to apply this same Scripture so that it may sink into your heart and deposit into your spirit man. God comprehends people’s paths and their lying down. He is acquainted with their ways. There is not a word on their tongues that God does not know about. {eoa}

Connect with Reg Morais on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and his personal website. You can also connect with him on the Autism Overturned Facebook group page and visit the Fast and Pray free chapter link.

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