U.S. Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)

2 Evangelical Cabinet Nominees Face Votes in the Senate Next Week


Democrats are back to their slow-walking ways as they force every Cabinet nominee to go through the maximum amount of “debate” allowed by the Rules of the Senate.

The latest to be confirmed was EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. He was confirmed by a 52-46 vote. Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) broke with their party to vote in favor of the nomination, while Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) voted against it.

Pruitt, the former Oklahoma attorney general, is an evangelical. Two others are expected to receive confirmation votes next week: former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, nominee to lead the Department of Energy; and Dr. Ben Carson, nominee to lead the Department of Housing & Urban Development.

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins is urging Christians to get on the phone with their senators and tell them to support each of those nominees. He shared a little bit about why each should be confirmed by the Senate.

Here’s what he had to say.

On Perry: Appointee Rick Perry is the longtime Texas governor and a two-time Republican presidential candidate. An Air Force captain and a graduate of Texas A&M University, Perry has served in the Texas House of Representatives, as Texas’ Agriculture Commissioner and as Texas’ lieutenant governor prior to his election to the post of governor in 2000. Perry has also been a featured speaker at our annual Values Voter Summit. With a long and impressive history in public service, Perry is a nominee who will chart a course toward smarter energy policies designed to strengthen national security and rebuild our economy. This is particularly good news for hard-working families and for business owners who have been hobbled by federal regulations under President Obama.

On Carson: Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon and former Republican presidential candidate. After his youth in impoverished inner-city Detroit, Carson rose to prominence as a pioneer in the field of pediatric neurosurgery, eventually taking over the department for Johns Hopkins University Hospital. Carson is a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom and founder of the Carson Scholars Fund. Like Perry, Carson has been a featured speaker at our Values Voter Summit. He is a man committed to the sanctity of all life and believes that we the people have an obligation to help lift others out of a welfare environment. From his highly-publicized speech at the National Prayer Breakfast to his recent run for president, Carson has championed polices that will strengthen faith, family and freedom. He is the perfect nominee to oversee fair-housing laws and direct HUD so that it truly serves the American people.

“From IRS’ targeting of conservative organizations, to HHS’ attempt to force private businesses to violate deeply-held religious beliefs or face crippling fines, the last eight years have shown us just important it is to have good leadership in each area of government,” Perkins added. “Now is our opportunity to support good nominees for influential positions that will impact all of us. Make sure your voice is heard!”

The phone number to the Senate office’s switchboard is (202) 224-3121. {eoa}


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