Hillary Clinton

A New Investigation Launched Into Hillary Clinton


During President Bill Clinton’s two terms in office, the Internal Revenue Service was “weaponized” to go after political opponents.

It became the blueprint for the 2012 IRS targeting scandal for which Commissioner John Koskinen now faces impeachment by Congress. But in the latest verse of “Hillary’s Under Investigation,” that weapon is going to be turned back on the Clintons.

Two weeks ago, a group of 64 House Republicans sent a letter to FBI Director James Comey, FTC Commissioner Edith Ramirez, and Koskinen, making an official referral to investigate potentially illegal activity involving the non-profit Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. In that letter, they assert that “unresolved media reports” and recently discovered information about the foundation’s initial tax-exempt filing suggest “a lawless ‘Pay to Play’ enterprise that has been operating under a cloak of philanthropy for years” that should be investigated.

While it’s unclear what response, if any, they have received from the FBI or FTC, The Daily Caller is now reporting that Koskinen has forwarded the referral to one of his agency’s investigative divisions. He said the information will be reviewed by the Exempt Organization Program—formerly led by Lois Lerner—which is the division of the IRS that regulates the operations of public foundations and charities.


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