Benghazi Survivor: Left-Wing Media Is Trying to Define Republicans
Former Army Ranger Kris Paronto has seen a lot that would give any American good reason to be angry, but in a new YouTube video he made Monday afternoon, the Benghazi survivor said he finally needed to “vent” about what he says is “propagandizing by the left-wing media.”
“The Left [is] saying what us Republicans are,” he said. “The Left seems to know what Republicans are, but I’m going to tell you what a Republican is, because I am one.
“Republicans aren’t bigots. We’re not. We’re not misogynists. We’re not racists. We love our families—yes, we do—we love our country more than anything. We love making sure patriotism is still alive.”
“Tanto” said it bothers him a great deal when he sees Republicans “demonized” by the Left and the mainstream media. And while the video was meant to be his way of “venting” some of his frustration, he also hoped to convey a message to younger Americans, many of whom may be voting for president for the first time in 2016.
“Trump’s not a misogynist. Come one, use your common sense—especially you young women,” he said. “Common sense. Would his wife speak highly of him? Would his go speak highly of him, if he were a misogynist—if he hated women? No, they wouldn’t.”
Paronto has been highly supportive of the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, since very early on in the presidential campaign. See his complete “Tanto Time” video, in which he goes into more detail about his thoughts on mainstream media portrayals of Republicans, above.