Kim Clement

Codebreakers Share Kim Clement’s Word for Today


During Saturday’s House of Destiny livestream, Sunil Isaac of Codebreakers shared some of the prophetic visions the late Kim Clement had shared with his followers regarding the moment we are in right now.

Three years ago—before President Donald Trump had even announced he was thinking about running for office—the world-renowned prophet shared a vision of a “WikiLeaks CIA exposure,” “Another Snowden” and cries of “Impeach! Impeach!” Those are words we very much see and hear 24/7 in the liberal mainstream media today.

But the reminder is that God has not forsaken us, nor will He forget us. As was written in the Gospel of Matthew, which Clement also shared with his vision:

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground withou

t your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore do not fear. You are more valuable than many sparrows (Matt. 10:29-31).

Watch the clip above to see the prophecy Clement gave Feb. 22, 2014. Click here to watch the entire Codebreakers segment of the worship (beginning at the 48:43 mark).


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