U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.)

Democrats in Congress Want to Go on a Fishing Expedition


Democrats in Congress are determined to destroy President Donald Trump politically by any means necessary.

Even if that means trumping up—no pun intended—articles of impeachment.

U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) appeared on Cheddar, a new-media outlet described as “CNBC for Millennials,” on Sunday to discuss the resistance to the president’s agenda for the next four years. During that discussion, Waters led by saying she hoped he wouldn’t be in office for four years.

“I hope that, you know, that this man and who he is, what he’s done, the way that he’s defined himself, the way that he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this, and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment,” she said.

She went on to say that she skipped out on the inauguration last month because she doesn’t want to “respect” or “honor” Trump as the president. But that was hardly the most incendiary comments she has made since introducing a bill that would investigate his liberal-alleged ties to the Russian government.

Monday morning, she appeared on MSNBC’s AM Joy program with Joy Reid and doubled down on her comments:

I have led in talking about impeachment. And some people say, well, it’s too early for that. It’s never too early if you understand how dangerous this man really is. I do believe that there is a connection between the Ukraine and Donald Trump and of course Russia. I think that he colluded with Putin during the election and that hacking and everything that took place. I think that it’s there, we just have to dig deeper, do the investigation and find it.

Waters is a 13-term congressman, so it’s likely she understands the legal term “fishing expedition.” The Supreme Court has taken a dim view of this type of interrogatory process, but to have any chance of success, Democrats would first have to regain control of at least the House of Representatives.

It’s hard to imagine how that can happen when they have stonewalled, obstructed and now called outright for the impeachment of the president to prevent him from implementing the agenda for which the American public elected him. {eoa}


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