Pastor Frank Amedia

Frank Amedia: ‘This Is Why We Need to Fight Through’


This week, Pastor Frank Amedia has been a guest on The Jim Bakker Show, and on the first day, broadcast on Tuesday, he shared some of his prophetic thoughts about President Donald Trump and efforts to stop him.

“There is an integral link between what is going on here in the United States and the shifts in the kingdom of God,” he said. “They’re integrally linked; they can’t be separated. It has a lot to do with the founding of this country as ‘one nation under God.'”

He discussed a number of topics, including:

  • religious liberty,
  • “antifa” and “resist” attacks,
  • fake news,
  • North Korea and
  • the Supreme Court of the United States.

Amedia said the enemy is plotting against not only the kingdom, but also the U.S. because the two are so intertwined. He said the plots and spirit of the enemy that have been raised up are trying to find every leverage to resist this move of God that is happening. Specifically, this has manifested in the unprecedented attacks on the president.

“There’s an attempt to take away the power of the executive branch, and we understand that this country—in some amazing way that only God could have supernaturally done—constructed us with a government like none before,” he said. “This government—you know, we don’t want to be so holy that we say it’s biblical; we’re not biblical, democracy is not biblical. It works as long as God is in it. When you take God out of it, it becomes socialism, it becomes anything you want it to become. We must keep God in it. That’s why we are founded as ‘one nation under God’ by godly people.”

Amedia later added he believes the president Trump “receives downloads” that he is only now beginning to understand come from God. This is all because of “an awakening” that has happened in his heart as a result of his being humbled before God in the late stages of the 2016 presidential election.

But, the enemy continues to struggle. And that is why Amedia said it’s critical for the body of Christ to fight through it.

“No matter what we do to try and reestablish as one nation under God, the enemies of the kingdom of God are going to resist,” he said. “And that is why we need to fight through.”

At times, both Bakker and Amedia got fired up over the topics they were discussing. Bakker said he’s urging the church to rise up and to speak out. Amedia added, however, that sometimes God allows the enemy to have a minor victory to help motivate the body of Christ.

“Sometimes, the Lord will say, ‘I’ll give you what you’re asking for. You want to take the cross out of San Diego? Watch what I’m going to do. I’m going to raise up another million Christians in California that are going to carry the cross in their hearts,'” he said. “You see, they can’t stop what God has begun. They’re not going to quit trying, but they can’t stop it. They can’t stop it. And that wakes you and I [sic] up.”

Click here to watch the entire episode.


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