Franklin Graham: I’m Thankful We Have a President Who Understands the Importance of God

President Donald Trump

Saturday, President Donald Trump gave a powerful commencement speech at Liberty University, prompting two leading evangelical faith leaders to weigh in with enthusiasm.

The Rev. Franklin Graham offered praise for the president’s speech via Facebook on Saturday:

Yesterday President Donald J. Trump delivered the graduation commencement message at Liberty University, the largest evangelical Christian university in the world. He said:

“When the pilgrims landed at Plymouth they prayed. When the founders wrote the Declaration of Independence, they invoked our creator four times, because in America we don’t worship government we worship God. That is why our elected officials put their hands on the Bible and say, ‘So help me God,’ as they take the oath of office. It is why our currency proudly declares, ‘In God we trust,’ and it’s why we proudly proclaim that we are one nation under God every time we say the pledge of allegiance.”

I’m thankful we have a president who understands the importance of God in our nation’s history and the importance of God in our nation’s future. Aren’t you?

The Family Research Council’s president, Tony Perkins—a graduate of Liberty University—also provided his own thoughts on the president’s speech on Saturday with the following official statement:

President Trump delivered an outstanding message today that I believe will resonate not only among Liberty University graduates but among Christians throughout America and around the world.

A highlight of the president’s address was when he stated, “I know that each of you will be a warrior for the truth, the country and your family. Following your convictions means you must be willing to face criticism from those who lack the courage to do what’s right. Be true to yourself, your country, and your beliefs,” he told the graduates. The president later added, “Always have the courage to be yourself.”

The president is exactly right. The ability to offer deliverance and freedom to others is lost when we as Christians shrink back from living and proclaiming the truth of God. Jesus called us to act for the benefit of others, rather than in fear. We are called to stand with resolve, in service to the One who saved us. We have been called to live with no fear.

Twenty-five years ago, I remember my own graduation at Liberty University. It’s a great credit to the university—the largest Christian college in America—that President Trump has chosen it as the place to make his first commencement address. Today was a great day for the University, its president Jerry Falwell Jr., and a great day for the legacy of my friend, mentor and Liberty’s founder, Dr. Jerry Falwell.

I look forward to this president continuing his work to advance religious liberty so that these graduates will have the freedom to do what the president challenged them to do today.

You can see the president’s entire speech in the video clip above.

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