Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice

Is the Net Finally Closing in on Obama?


You know the facts must be truly damning when ABC and NBC ignore a negative story about Obama and CBS defends the perpetrator.

But the revelation that Obama’s National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, is the figure at the center of the Obama administration’s spying on then-candidate and President-elect Trump is strong evidence that the top-most levels of the White House knew that people in Donald Trump’s inner circle, and perhaps Trump himself were objects of government surveillance.

Bloomberg’s Eli Lake, in a bombshell report, says Rice used her position atop Obama’s National Security Council to require government agencies to identify names that had been withheld from raw intelligence reports linked with Trump campaign and transition figures.

According to reporting by David Martosko, U.S. political editor for the U.K. Daily Mail, reports that the National Security Council was conducting a review of U.S. policy on how people’s identities can be unmasked after their communications are captured incidentally in the course of conducting foreign surveillance.

Martosko says Ezra Cohen-Watnick, one of the Trump administration intelligence officials who showed Nunes the mysterious materials last week, was conducting the “unmasking” review.

That routine inquiry apparently uncovered a pattern of Rice’s requests.

Martosko alleges “There is not necessarily anything illegal or unusual about a national security adviser seeking to unmask names in raw reports, in order to fully understand the meaning of intercepted conversations.”

However, the unmasked names of people associated with Donald Trump, reports Adam Housley of Fox News, were then sent to all those at the National Security Council, some at the Defense Department, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and then-CIA Director John Brennan—essentially, the officials at the top, including former Rice deputy Ben Rhodes.

And in this case those identities—including the name of then-National Security Advisor Mike Flynn—were subsequently leaked and made public.

That, as we pointed out in our articles “Trump is Right: Obama Monitored the Communications of Political Opponents” and “The First Casualty in the Deep State’s Coup Against President Trump,” is a federal felony.

As analysis by our friends at the Media Research Center showed, the story was virtually or totally ignored by the three dinosaur networks, but it received different treatment from Fox News:

On Fox News’s Special Report, it was a whole different story as they led the program with Rice’s unmasking efforts. “The surveillance of people close to President Trump, possibly the President himself, now has a name and a face attached to it. And it’s one you’ve seen in major scandals before,” declared fill-in host James Rosen during the opening tease.

“Two weeks ago, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee announced to the press and President he had uncovered a disturbing trend of intelligence collection on Trump officials, some of which was made public,” reported Chief White House Correspondent John Roberts, “Today, we learn more about the ‘how’ and ‘who’ of what’s going on.”

The Fox News reporter noted that when it came to statements from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes about Trump aides being swept up in incidental collection, Rice claimed she didn’t know anything. “I know nothing about this. I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today,” she claimed on PBS NewsHour on March 22. That is now exposed as a lie, just like then she lied about what caused the Benghazi attack.

As Martosko pointed out, the first drip of information hinting at Rice’s involvement came Friday, again from Fox News and no other network, that the names of several Trumpworld figures were exposed by someone “very well known, very high up, very senior in the intelligence world.”

According to Bloomberg’s Eli Lake, Rice had access to intelligence reports that contained “valuable political information on the Trump transition such as whom the Trump team was meeting, the views of Trump associates on foreign policy matters and plans for the incoming administration.”

That figure now appears to be Susan Rice, who, as the MRC noted, has lied to protect Obama before.

Now coupled with the information from our article “Top Democrat Finally Commits the Truth About Trump Surveillance” here’s where conservatives should take note.

Top Democrat Evelyn Farkas admitted on MSNBC that “… I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia,” she said. “So then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were trying to also help get information to the Hill.”

“That’s why you have the leaking,” Farkas explained helpfully, observed PJ media’s Debra Heine.

Ezra Cohen-Watnick brought his concerns about Rice’s behavior to the White House counsel’s office in February—well before President Trump began tweeting claims on March 4 that the Obama administration “wiretapped” him at his private New York city office.

Likewise, when White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said last week that the Trump administration had uncovered unspecified material “in the normal course of business,” which was then shared with the House Intelligence Committee’s Republican chairman Devin Nunes, he was ridiculed and Nunes was attacked for conduct which had “the appearance of impropriety.”

Indeed, after Nunes went to the White House to review the information, Democrats quickly demanded that he resign or be fired as House Intelligence Committee Chairman; however, after Rep. Adam “Shifty” Schiff, the Democrats’ point man on attacking Trump and Nunes, saw the same reports, the Democrats became strangely silent.

The establishment media refuses to connect the dots that vindicate President Trump’s assertions that his team was spied upon by Obama’s people, so we will do it here.

We now know that through Susan Rice, Obama’s White House was involved in the unmasking of the names of Americans gathered through secret intelligence, and that this unmasking appears to be the source of the illegal leaks to the press encouraged by Evelyn Farkas that destroyed Mike Flynn and that have cast aspersions on other Trump associates. It is time to subpoena Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas and to start asking the Watergate question: What did the President know and when did he know it? {eoa}

George Rasley is editor of Richard Viguerie’s A veteran of over 300 political campaigns, he served on the staff of Vice President Dan Quayle and as spokesman for now-Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Mac Thornberry. He has served as a staff member or consultant to some of America’s most-recognized conservative political figures. He is a member of American MENSA and studied international relations at Worcester College, Oxford.

This article was originally published at Used with permission.


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