Pro-Abortion Group: In Just 5 Years, This Is How the GOP Has Damaged the Abortion Business

Emily's List President Stephanie Schriock

The pro-abortion group Emily’s List is mad that Republicans have been advancing a pro-life agenda, not just in Washington, D.C., but in state legislatures all across the country.

In an effort to put their frustration to words, the group distributed a new infographic to its supporters, which Charisma Caucus has obtained. And while conservatives and evangelical Christians cringe at the slow pace of those accomplishments, it’s still a reminder that they are winning on the most important social issue of all time.

The graphic states: Between 2011 and 2016: 

  162 abortion providers closed their doors across the country,

               Republicans controlled between 57-69 percent of state legislative chambers,

               and they passed over 300 abortion restrictions.

               It’s time to change this story. Protecting a woman’s right to choose starts with taking back state legislatures with pro-choice Democratic women.

Emily’s List boasts a membership of more than 5 million women. Its stated mission is to elect pro-abortion Democratic women to public office. Traditionally, it has sought to do so in Washington, D.C., but this new tack may be a sign they’ve given up on winning back Congress.

This is also a danger to the many state legislative majorities held by Republicans, too. By pumping outside money into these campaigns, they will force the GOP to have to spend more money to defend their candidates at the state level.

Fortunately for them, the Republican Party has been shattering fundraising records since President Donald Trump took office. {eoa}

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