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Prophecy: ‘I Am the Guardian to This Nation and to Israel’


Hank Kunneman, senior pastor at Lord of Hosts Church in Omaha and founder of One Voice Ministries, wrote an article published Wednesday morning at Elijah List in which he offers some powerfully prophetic encouragement across the nations of the Northern Hemisphere.

He opens with a discussion of the movement now underway, which he described as a “refreshing of hope.” He said the Lord told him the angels are stirring things for a new season to come.

Then, he shared a word regarding America and Israel:

“I have walked,” says the Spirit of God, “across the earth, and I have visited every nation, and I have looked and I have measured the hunger of those who thirst for the living God. And as I have walked to and fro throughout this earth, I have walked throughout you, America, and through your states, and I have walked through Israel, for I am the guardian to this nation, America, and I am the guardian to Israel.

“And now I have come as I have walked among the earth and walked among America and Israel, and I now come to deal and to judge, yes, I said to judge. I’m coming to judge those which oppose Me; which oppose My plan, which oppose My church and which oppose My people. As I walk among the earth to judge those who have set themselves to be enemies against the things I have spoken to you, they shall surely reap it. I have said to you, I will make America great again. This has been My saying and this now is My doing.

“I will deal with those who stand to oppose and they will understand as the Scripture declares, ‘shatter the teeth of the wicked,’ and so they will lose their voice, they will lose their influence, for this that I bring is not just a four-year plan, but there is a 12-year plan to restore hope to this nation, to restore honor to this nation and to bring you, America, into the greatest season.

“For you remember the days of an Industrial Revolution? It shall be said throughout your history books that this season, this time, shall be known as the Great Revolution, and a new energy source is coming.”

Kunneman said the Lord told him this new energy source will be the youth, who will power this Great Revolution. The Spirit told him there have been two moments of God’s choosing that will establish a “line of demarcation” for the world, which will lift up the church, break the strongholds that have afflicted the body of Christ and provide a divine transfer of grace, hope and blessing.

He then shared that the Lord told him the new season would provide healing for Israel:

Listen, God said for me to stand over in the place to speak to Israel for just a moment …”Israel, I have given unto you a friend, and yet hell fears what I have given to you by the way of the ones who are seated in the House called White, and hell is afraid! Why? Because of the deal, the handshaking with Iran, the deal—it shall be broken!

“There is coming a restrain of the enemies of Israel,” and God says, “When the hand of the eagle joins the hand of the one in Israel, a great restraint shall come to Israel against the enemies that would raise their heads.” God says, “Not so! Their land shall not be divided, for I shall withhold the plans of the enemy, for it shall suddenly shift and change!”

“And it was from Israel that the Savior came and the Savior was given, and now it shall be as they have despised you, Israel, that you shall bring that which shall save mankind from disease as there is coming an announcement of a breakthrough in medical science regarding diseases of this day; and it shall come out of you, Israel, a healing balm.”

Kunneman also had a word for Europe:

“Do you hear the sound? Do you hear the sound of My chariot moving across the earth? Do you hear the sound of My hosts bringing you into a transfer from the Lord, your God? Do you hear the sound of the north wind blowing across the northern hemisphere of this earth?”

The Spirit of God says, “Do you remember when men looked to the earth and they said, ‘Oh, the revivals, the moves of God! The Bible Belt, the South.’ When they look at the hemisphere of the earth they say, ‘Oh, that’s where the supernatural move of God has taken place.’ Then they say, ‘But the north is filled with liberalism, secular humanism, religious spirits! Where is the move of God in the Northern Hemisphere?'”

“I am not just shifting things for you, America, but I’m shifting the hemisphere.” God says, “I gave you a sign, for remember in the days when Israel was divided? Ten to the north ruled by Ahab and Jezebel, and two to the south, Judah?”

God says, “Was it not in the time that Jezebel who ruled the north fell, and Ahab and his kingdom fire fell? The kingdom was then united and there was a sound of the abundance of rain, and there was a hand that appeared, the cloud the size of a man’s hand. Why? Something was shifting from the south to the north to make it one. “This I speak, watch Europe. Watch Europe, watch the United Kingdom, for more will be cut off from the union and a shaking shall take place, and men shall seek to pull out their Scriptures and their theology and say, ‘We do not understand; this does not meet end-time theology.'”

God says, “It’s My theology, I’m messing with the nations, and so I’ll mess again with the union of Europe, and I will raise up the United Kingdom, and watch what I’m about to do through this president in America. I will bring the land of the Eagle to a table of diplomacy with the Bear, Russia, and with China the Dragon.”

God says, “I will break the cold war that has been over the last few years and I will bring a spirit of diplomacy, and I will do this for My harvest because the earth is being shaken, and the Northern Hemisphere is about to receive a great awakening. Let the north wind blow and bring a habitation of God.”

Click here to read the entire article at the Elijah List website. {eoa}


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