Rep. Maxine Waters Called the Attorney General a Racist, but This African-American Pro-Life Leader Is Having None of It

U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.)

During an interview with The Washington Post last week, U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) told Jonathon Capeheart she believes Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a racist, pointing to past comments he’s made about the Ku Klux Klan, the NAACP and the ACLU.

“I think that Jeff Sessions is very dangerous,” she said. “I think he’s a racist, and I think that he absolutely believes that it’s his job to keep minorities in their place.”

She also noted that at a campaign rally for President Donald Trump in Sessions’ home state of Alabama, several people were dressed in “Antebellum clothes,” another sign the attorney general was sympathetic to 19th-century slavery and held to a racist ideology. Asked to be clear about her statement, the congresswoman stated:

“I think he is a racist. I think he is a throwback. And I don’t mind saying it any day of the week.”

Another African-American woman is taking exception to those comments. Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union, issued a statement strongly rebuking Waters’ comments and defending the attorney general.

She said:

I guess I’m gonna have to go Popeye on y’all: “That’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more!”

I have had it up to here with Maxine Waters. She calls Attorney General Jeff Sessions a racist and a throwback.

If anyone is a throwback, it’s Maxine Waters. The constant playing of the ol’ race card is like the boy who cried wolf. America has heard it so many times that many Americans have no genuine idea of what racism is or what it really looks like.

Maxine and others like her insist racism exists in every action—and every inaction. Ridiculous!

I am not saying racism doesn’t exist; I am saying not everyone who disagrees with Maxine is a racist.

I disagree with Maxine Waters and the rest of the liberal left on just about everything, and guess what?

I’m not a racist! I’m not an Oreo, I’m not Aunt Sally, Tom-isina or any other derogatory or demeaning name the left can think of.

I am Day Gardner, child of God, believer in Jesus Christ and a proud American patriot—who just happens to also love spinach.

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