White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner

Report: This Member of the Trump Administration Is the Target of Anti-Semitic Attacks


According to a new report from the Anti-Defamation League, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, has been the target of an online anti-Semitic smear campaign that began about a week ago.

The slightly left-leaning organization is blaming another key Trump adviser for the vile attacks:

It comes in the context of Trump’s removal of chief strategist Stephen Bannon from the National Security Council and reports about a feud between Bannon and Kushner as well as airstrikes in Syria in response to the chemical attack last week.

This campaign of anti-Semitism has been driven by white supremacists and anti-Semites and has all the hallmarks of classic Jewish conspiracy theories. The narratives include accusations that Jews in the Trump Administration are trying to start a war to advance the interests of Israel. They contend that Trump has abandoned his “America First” policy, which the alt right supported, because he is being manipulated by Kushner and other Jewish advisors.

The anti-Semitic social media campaign, which features hashtags on Twitter such as #firekushner, #kushneratwar, #kushnerswar, appears to have begun on April 5 with a few tweets describing the administration’s actions as a betrayal alongside the #firekushner hashtag.

ADL was careful not to directly link Bannon to the smear campaign, but the organization made it clear that his alleged white supremacist “allies” in the “Alt Right movement” are. The report includes a number of examples of the hateful rhetoric being spewed by white supremacists across the Internet.

Click here to read the full report. {eoa}


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