Franklin Graham and Gov. Greg Abbott

Texas Governor’s Response to an Atheist Was Epic


Earlier this week, the Rev. Franklin Graham’s Decision America Tour made a stop in Austin, Texas, as part of its 50-state tour across the country ahead of November’s general election.

Following the event, which was attended by several thousand Christians, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott hosted Graham at Governor’s Mansion. He was moved by the experience, and tweeted about it:

Pray as if everything depends on God. Work as if everything depends on you. Let’s work together to fix America.

Of course, the atheistic “Twitter troll” that goes by the screen name “Halley the Heathen” decided to weigh in with a comment. He mocked Abbott’s Christian faith, suggesting that if his God was real, he should “jump” out of his wheelchair and run a marathon.

Abbott was injured by a felled tree in 1984 that left him a paraplegic. He’s used a wheelchair ever since. The governor turned the mockery back on his would-be attacker, however, with a reply that has been retweeted more than 3,400 times and has accumulated more than 6,000 “likes”:

That’s not God’s design. I’ve won races that people with legs could never run. God’s plan is bigger than walking.


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