Photo of a Barack Obama book

These Three Books Illustrate Why Every Candidate Must Oppose Common Core


In April, Eagle Forum announced our new “STOP Common Core” pledge for candidates and office-holders to sign in order to publicly show their opposition to Common Core. In the first few days alone, dozens of signers added their names to the pledge, including candidates and incumbents running for state and local school boards, state legislators, political committeemen, those seeking state-wide offices and municipal positions. Presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz was the first to sign his name. Common Core is a problem that is facing public officials at all levels of government. Supporters of Common Core would like to force every school in the country to adopt a curriculum that pushes this liberal agenda. Schools that already use Common Core are being told to have students read books such as Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope, which portrays Obama as a “messianic” figure. Common Core also tries to indoctrinate students in the 2nd and 3rd grade about global warming. For high schoolers, Common Core promotes sexually explicit books which should not be forced into the hands of any student. The “STOP Common Core” pledge will allow Eagle Forum and others to quickly identify and support candidates for office who share conservative values. One example is a candidate for the Los Angeles Unified School Board. She quickly signed the pledge and earned the recommendation of Eagle Forum state leadership in California. This encouraged Eagle Forum members to support her campaign. We hope this pledge will make it into the hands of every candidate and incumbent from the Oval Office, down to your mayor’s office. Please do your part to spread this word and get every candidate to put his name on the line to protect our kids from a nationally imposed curriculum funded by big-money special interests. This was originally published by Eagle Forum.


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