Conservative Christian Leader Who Has Trump’s Ear Says President Is on a ‘Faith Journey’


Bob Vander Plaats of Iowa is well known in conservative circles for his influence, primarily with the Iowa caucus. Last year, he endorsed Ted Cruz, who won that caucus.

Recently, I had the opportunity to interview him at the National Religious Broadcaster’s Conference, and I urge you to listen to the podcast, in which he talks about his own change in thinking. After Cruz dropped out of the race, Vander Plaats backed Donald Trump, whose election he believes was “miraculous” because none of the polls or pundits thought it could possibly happen.

He has worked with Donald Trump personally. He says he supports him when he’s right and tries to hold him accountable when he’s wrong.

He also believes Trump is on a “faith journey.”

“I see an evolution in the man,” he told me. He also believes Trump is a strong leader who is developing into a statesman. In a meeting with the president he shared Exodus 18:21, which says leaders must be capable, fear God, be trustworthy and hate dishonest gain. He said he urged Trump not only to make Jesus his Savior but also his Lord.

Vander Plaats is quick to say that winning an election is like putting your finger in a dike—it only provides a temporary solution to a problem. What is really needed is cultural transformation, which will only come about when Christians pray.

To this end, he has developed an app called “If 714,” available anywhere apps are found. I’ve downloaded it myself. “If 714” reminds people to pray at 7:14 in the morning and 7:14 in the evening. The Christian band Newsboys like it so much they feature it at every one of their concerts. I urge you to download it—and to pray.

Vander Plaats says something else significant: We can’t put our faith in the White House. Our faith must be in God. He says there are “competing worldviews” today where some people believe God while other people don’t. And if you don’t believe God, anything goes in terms of behavior.

This is why he believes we need cultural transformation. It also explains why there are so many vicious attacks against Donald Trump, he says.

I’m glad responsible leaders like Bob Vander Plaats have access to leaders such as the president and can speak truth into their lives. Listen to the podcast and see if you agree. {eoa} 



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