End-Times Weaponry: Evidence of the Coming of Christ


Even if you’re already convinced the world is a scary theater of tense expectations, you might want to tighten your seatbelt another notch or two. As my grandfather’s generation was fond of repeating, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

Consider high-tech warfare or smallish airborne nuclear weapons that can reach any corner of the earth, mini-rockets that sink the largest battleships and helicopters spewing solid streams of hot lead in fire hose volume and density. And there is worse to come.

New developments in military weaponry at the Army Research Laboratory in Maryland and top-secret nightmares brewing at Fort Huachuca in Sierra Vista, Arizona, excel in producing horrors that Hollywood can only poorly emulate.

Imagine robot soldiers created by 3D printers and polymers that heal themselves. Imagine a manufactured hand that can move on its own accord—unconnected to any source of energy outside its own capability. Imagine self-sufficient drones smart enough to alter their own shape in response to operational demands for supersonic trim in tandem with simultaneously meeting contrary demands for optimal maneuverability.

Thus we have soldiers that can be shot down, but will rise again in a few hours as the ‘polymolecule’ substructures reassemble themselves.

Unbelievable? Simply visit Dr. Sukhishvil’s lab at Texas A&M or take tours at the Army labs in Adelphi, Maryland and the nearby Aberdeen Proving Ground.

Enough of that! The real question is: “Of what benefit is this information to Christians interested in the prophetic?”

Some Answers

In responding to this reasonable query, we need to back up a few thousand years to the Garden of Eden. Somewhere in a region between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, the Creator placed human beings into a peaceful setting. The first gift after life itself was a complete freedom to do as they might choose.

One of the spin-offs from these two gifts was a general wandering onto unhappy paths of less than utopian lifestyles on the part of many. Conflict entered into the world’s theater and prospered greatly—increasingly lethal to this day. Never has an era gone by in world history without humans regularly killing other humans.

And this fact begs yet another question. How much longer will the Creator tolerate the demonic trend to mutual annihilation? Given the steep upward trajectory of this human failing, it would seem divine patience is growing micro-thin. Mankind will not be allowed to incinerate the world (Rev. 19:19-20)

Loving grace overpowers all rebellion, and the end is tantalizingly near. Those who ‘know’ must act now to reach all within their influence.

The clock is sounding its final alarm. {eoa}


Ronald D. Mallett of Milliken, Colorado, studied journalism and mass communications at Colorado and Stanford Universities as a Ford Fellow. A retired multinational corporate executive, he later served as director of jail, prison, nursing home and Mexico outreaches, as well as intercession ministries for 20 years.


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