Planned Parenthood Caught on Video Selling Babies’ Body Parts: Defund It Now


Should American taxpayers give an organization that harvests and sells human body parts more than half-a-billion dollars a year? An explosive undercover video reveals that American funding of Planned Parenthood not only allows them to perform more than 300,000 abortions a year but to harvest their victims’ organs and sell them for yet more cash. A new investigative entity, the Center for Medical Progress, released a video of a business luncheon with Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood. She oversees medical practices at all Planned Parenthood abortion clinics nationwide. In the video, she casually eats her lunch as she describes dismembering children and harvesting their body parts for cash, occasionally sipping wine and laughing while setting prices for her prospective customers. ($30 to $100 per body part.) Nucatola admits that abortionists – including herself – sometimes perform partial birth abortions to assure that none of the fetal body parts companies want to buy are damaged as the child’s life is snuffed out. Partial birth abortion has been illegal for 12 years, and selling fetal body parts also carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of $500,000.

(Story continues following video.)

Republican presidential candidates Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, and Carly Fiorina have all responded, so far. Jindal called the video “shocking and gruesome.” But he went way beyond mere words. He ordered a statewide “immediate investigation into this alleged evil and illegal activity” and is refusing to allow Planned Parenthood to open an abortion clinic in New Orleans until the organization is cleared. “I am also asking the FBI to assist DHH in investigating this alleged criminal activity by this organization.” Rick Perry said the video proves “the organization’s penchant for profiting off the tragedy of a destroyed human life. It is because of stories like this that I signed legislation defunding Planned Parenthood in the state of Texas – to protect human life and the health and safety of Texans.” Carly Fiorina said the new revelation is “tragic and outrageous. This isn’t about ‘choice.’ It’s about profiting on the death of the unborn while telling women it’s about empowerment.” According to Dr. Nucatola, Planned Parenthood is receiving more than $528 million from hard-strapped taxpayers, then maximizing its profits by illegally trafficking in human body parts. It is time for this outrage to end. “The Republican-controlled Congress must defund Planned Parenthood now. Immediately,” said Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center and chairman of ForAmerica. “The horrific truth that the top doctor at Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted babies compels Congress to recognize it has been funding a 21st century Josef Mengele. Anyone or either party who plays politics with this ghastly, inhuman behavior, or fails to exercise his/her responsibility to end taxpayer funding of it, should be condemned as participatory in it.” “Let President Obama veto the budget over this. It will crush his presidency, and end this ghoulish practice for once and for all,” he said. Continued funding will mean that U.S. taxpayers are complicit, not just in Planned Parenthood’s crimes of abortion, covering up statutory rape and human trafficking, defrauding Medicaid, and openly defending infanticide outside the womb but also in the goriest and most inhuman crimes imaginable. Christians must demand action – not mere rhetoric – from their elected officials, that they defund Planned Parenthood at once.


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