The Danger of Altering Education for the Sake of Politics


On May 13, 2021, Arizona’s Peoria Unified School District governing board heard from parents who strongly oppose implementing Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the city’s public school curriculum.

According to the report, one board member objected to last minute changes that would have prevented parents from speaking. At the same time, a police officer was kneeling in intercession for members to hear the complaints. A former California resident, and mother of three, warned listeners about the harms of CRT. She encouraged parents to remove their kids from school within the first 100 days of the next academic year—a move that would cause serious financial interruption—if the communist training is not struck down.

Residents are still waiting to hear if their concerns helped stop the left’s radical agenda from moving forward.

One learning center on the East Coast sees things a bit differently. In March, Grace Church School, a New York-based Christian institution, made headlines after releasing a 12-page inclusive language guide. The guide is a complete package of suggested questions for ethnic group members, lists of redefined social terms and educational videos to assist students and families with understanding microaggressions and racial privilege. The head of school wrote a letter in response to backlash stating, “[W]e strive to use language to promote politeness, dignity and respect … [t]hat is the spirit of the guide, to give us all words to use that will bring people together.”

Don’t let the diplomatic titles fool you. Training in the name of “equity,” “inclusion,” “diversity” and “equality” is riddled with racist, gender-blurring, anti-Constitutional, God-hating language that will destroy American society. One must ask, outside of activism, sexual identity and racial oppression, is anyone learning anymore? Those with young children, especially Christians, should seriously consider removing them from public and private institutions that are buying into “woke” philosophies.

We cannot allow children to be violated, exposed to perversion and brainwashed by government officials and school administrators. There will be different opinions on this issue, but the truth is, the door to communism was thrown wide open after the church allowed the government to remove prayer, the Bible and God’s name from our school systems. The hidden lie in “separation of church and state” is now exposed and parents need to take action. Read the Constitution, along with its accompanying commentaries, and you will quickly understand that biblical values (not agnostic or tyrannical) are what America is founded upon. In fact, it is Christian ideology that enables opposing worldviews to peacefully exist in the land.

Think about it. When is the last time we heard about believers protesting to shut down businesses on Sundays? Have there been any riots recently forcing atheists to attend worship services? The church certainly doesn’t make a mission of manipulating lawmakers and staging autonomous zones. We simply believe giving thanks to our creator and obeying biblical moral principles is the best way to live. On the contrary, teaching white children they are oppressors who need to apologize for privilege, and Black children are the oppressed who must resort to violence to exact justice, is cruel and deadly.

This is a familiar Scripture: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6).

This verse has been lifted from its original position and interpreted to mean that God promises to keep kids saved if parents “raise them in church.” It’s time for a theology check. Consider that “thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse” (Prov. 22:5a) and “the rich rule over the poor” (Prov. 22:7a). Right in the middle, between the likes of perverted societies and the oppression of wealthy elites, parents must wage war to lead, guide and instruct their children in the ways of the Lord.

“Train” is an action word synonymous with preparation, equipping and discipline. Parents are the stewards of their children’s souls and they should not wholly entrust spiritual upbringing to Sunday school teachers. Likewise, it is irresponsible to leave them in the hands of worldly educators for several hours a day without knowing what goes on in the classrooms. It’s not enough to “have a good feeling” when making decisions like this. Parents need to be in the Word of God daily, on their knees in prayer, seeking revelation from the Holy Spirit on how to raise powerful ministers and servants who will continue the work of building His kingdom.

In addition to prayer, we must stand guard as watchmen over the foundations of our land, continually confront ideological warfare and affirm biblical values. It is imperative that parents ask questions, demand copies of course descriptions and syllabuses, and get involved in school government. None of this is too much to ask. Future families and nations are depending on us. {eoa}

For more than a decade, Tiffany Benson’s passion for writing has exceeded most of her interests. When she’s not catching up on politics or watching documentaries, she enjoys journaling, fiction and contributing to her blog:

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