Hillary Clinton

This Is What Really Ails Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton’s collapse during the 9/11 memorial service in New York on Sunday has kept TV doctors busy and spawned a host of conspiracy theories: Clinton has a body double, she has Parkinson’s Disease or ALS or Alzheimer’s or Bubonic Plague.

Mrs. Clinton may be ill, even gravely so, but that’s not the real issue that’s relevant to voters considering Clinton’s bid for the White House. 

The issues that voters will ultimately weigh is not “is Hillary Clinton too ill to serve?” it is, “Why this web of lies about her health?” and “Is this web of lies surrounding her health the lie that America’s voters—long-used to Clinton’s reflexive lying—will finally refuse to ignore?”

Signs are at best mixed.

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, writing for The Week, cites what he calls “the canonical example” of Chris Cillizza, of The Washington Post‘s politics blog “The Fix,” who is perhaps the very model of a Modern Washington Political Journalist. Just five days before Hillary’s collapse, Cillizza wrote an indignant post titled “Can we just stop talking about Hillary Clinton’s health now?”

According to pre-collapse Chris Cillizza it was “absurd” to ask questions about Hillary’s health.

After her collapse and alleged diagnosis, Cillizza did dutifully concede that “Hillary Clinton’s health just became a real issue in the presidential campaign.” But her health should have been a real issue before too, said Gobry.

Margaret Carlson, no rightwinger for sure, writing for Bloomberg, was tougher.

The lack of transparency played right into Donald Trump’s hands, wrote Carlson. Clinton began her career as a staffer on the Watergate hearings, yet she has repeatedly ignored the central lesson of the scandal: It’s not the crime that gets you but the cover-up.

Pneumonia is hardly a crime and neither is a private server [Editor’s note: that’s debatable], but by covering up both, she made them seem worse. On Labor Day, she brushed off a coughing episode in Ohio merely as evidence that she is “allergic to Trump.” But four days later, a doctor put her on antibiotics for pneumonia and she didn’t find it worthy of comment. Too bad she didn’t get a prescription for truth serum, said Carlson.

A prescription for truth serum? Ouch.

Carlson went on to observe that much of Sunday, no one knew what was going on. Information dribbled out. Her motorcade back to her home in Chappaqua, New York, was covered like O.J.’s ride in the Ford Bronco. Hours later, a statement from her doctor came out. That’s no way to overcome a trust deficit, she noted.

However, after chastising Hillary Clinton for her lies, Carlson pivots back to defending her “strength and stamina,” as if Hillary’s health is the central issue for voters to weigh.

It’s not. And that’s the problem for most establishment journalists; even the ones who recognize the potential damage the lies are doing to Clinton’s campaign always pivot back to defending her health rather than examining the motivation for the lies.

Conservative commentator Laura Ingraham got it better than all the establishment commentators combined in her piece on lifezette.com:

We saw it with the Lewinsky scandal—Clinton accused the “vast right-wing conspiracy” of ginning up the controversy. We saw it with Benghazi—when Mrs. Clinton blamed a video for causing the terrorist attack she didn’t prevent. We saw it with the private email server she used as secretary of state—when besides lying about almost every salient fact, she went as far as to point a finger at Colin Powell for giving her bum advice. … on the 15th anniversary of the deadliest terror attack on American soil, Mrs. Clinton’s handlers found themselves out of excuses. The physical evidence was stark—and it came in the form of video taken from multiple angles of her being led out of a memorial event. In these videos, she appears weak, knees buckling, almost falling to the ground before being elevated into the van that was waiting curbside.

Ingraham’s diagnosis: The patient suffers from an uncontrolled, reflexive urge to lie to the American public. Recommended treatment: Retirement from public life.

Americans have been abused by the lies of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and their minions long enough, is how we read Laura Ingraham’s piece, so whatever her ailment, their complete refusal to tell the truth about her health disqualifies her, and them, from governing America.

However, that still doesn’t quite reach the real threat these lies about Hillary Clinton’s health pose to American constitutional liberty.

Mrs. Clinton and her campaign know exactly what is ailing her—and it is not pneumonia or lack of transparency.

The Clintons and their far-left allies are concealing her illness not for the sake of her privacy, but because the truth blocks their path to power. And that craven lust for power, and their willingness to tell any lie to obtain it, is what should frighten Americans about Hillary Clinton and her allies and dissuade voters from letting her, and them, anywhere near the White House.  {eoa}

George Rasley is editor of ConservativeHQ, a member of American MENSA and a veteran of over 300 political campaigns, including every Republican presidential campaign from 1976 to 2008. He served as lead advance representative for Gov. Sarah Palin in 2008 and has served as a staff member, consultant or advance representative for some of America’s most recognized conservative Republican political figures, including President Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp. He served in policy and communications positions on the House and Senate staff, and during the George H.W. Bush administration he served on the White House staff of Vice President Dan Quayle.


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