Ted Cruz and Supporters

We Need the Fear of the Lord in Our Leaders


As believers engage in the political arena like never before, our first responsibility is to pray for our current leaders and those who are running for office. There is one prayer that this nation needs now more than ever before. It is the fear of the Lord that needs to grip the hearts and minds of those in public office as well as those who are voting. Here are some qualities that should be evidenced in leaders whose hearts are truly poised toward God.

  •        They will show no fear toward evil, but they will overcome it (Is. 8:12-13)
  •        They will be open to the counsel of others (Prov. 1:7)
  •        They will be teachable (Ps. 25:12)
  •        They will show no partiality and take no bribes (Deut. 10:17)
  •        They will not consider themselves better than anyone else (Deut. 17:19)
  •        Their mouths will be filled with good things (Prov. 16:9-13)
  •        They will hate all forms of evil (Prov. 8:13)
  •        They will operate in wisdom and humility (Prov. 15:33)
  •        They will have true judgments by the Spirit and not by man (Is. 11:3-4)
  •        They will love God’s truths (Ps. 112:1)
  •        Their house will be in order (Ps. 128:1-4)
  •        They will show the fruit of riches, honor and life (Prov. 22:4)
  •        They will walk in obedience to God’s commands (Ps. 86:11)
  •        They will let no sin rule over them (Ps. 119:133)
  •        They will have no fear of man, but walk in the fear of the Lord (Prov. 29:25)
  •        They will rule with justice, counsel and might (Is. 11:2-4)

We have the opportunity, in the coming months, to pray that the fear of the Lord would mark every candidate in this election. Christian or not, these attributes will become evident as we pray for the Spirit of God to hover over each one in the coming days. Even as we pray, we should not judge by what we see with our natural eyes or hear with our natural ears. Rather, it will be through the Fear of the Lord that we can rightly discern the purposes of God and pray effectively.


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