Bishop E.W. Jackson

E.W. Jackson Endorses His ‘Ticket’ in This Key State


Nationally syndicated radio host Bishop E.W. Jackson, founder of STAND, was a 2013 candidate for Lt. Governor of Virginia. And now, he’s endorsing his own “ticket” to lead the commonwealth into the future.

Earlier this year, he endorsed state Sen. Jill Vogel for Lt. Governor, and now he has endorsed former RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie for governor. His endorsement letter states:

I have looked at this every possible way, and I am thoroughly convinced that Ed Gillespie is by far the candidate with the best chance to bring home our first Republican statewide victory since 2009. He came within a hair’s breadth of pulling it off in 2014 against Mark Warner. This time he will go all the way to the governor’s mansion.

Ed is working with economic conservatives, social conservatives, Tea Party activists, evangelicals and members of the business community. He has had meetings with leaders and activists in the black community, and with other minority groups. Ed is truly focused on making the Commonwealth better for all Virginians.

Jackson has also endorsed John Adams for state attorney general. He said he got involved in the primary election, rather than simply waiting it out to back a candidate, because of everything that is at stake for his home state.

“It would have been safer for me to stay out of it, but there is too much at stake,” he said. “The failure to take back the governor’s office would allow ‘progressives’ to become so entrenched in Virginia that it might take a generation to dislodge them. In the meantime, our citizens will suffer. We must not let this happen.

“As far as I am concerned, we have our ticket: Ed Gillespie for governor, Jill Vogel for lieutenant governor and John Adams for attorney general. Let’s get behind them now and defeat the Democrats.” {eoa}


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