First Presidential Debate

Group Offers ‘Inspired Alternative’ to Frustrated Christian Voters


Regardless of how you vote in November, the group Meet the Need is hoping to inspire you to accept their challenge: to Vote for Eternity.

The program’s goal is focused on Christians who might be frustrated by the current state of the 2016 presidential election. They are encouraged to turn their attention more toward who winds up in God’s House than in the White House by following Jesus’ example of letting kindness open the door to sharing the gospel—with a neighbor, coworker or complete stranger—by Election Day.

Each participant is asked to share their stories on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #CastAnEternalVote and challenge three friends to “pay it forward.”

“Neither candidate stands solidly in the Christian camp on the issues most of us hold dear,” Meet the Need Ministries President Jim Morgan said. “That’s left many of us wondering about the future of our country—yet feeling powerless to do much about it.

“We can only cast one vote for president but we can cast countless Eternal Votes—simple acts of service in Jesus name that will have an impact lasting far longer than just the next four years.”

Morgan said he was inspired by Matthew 20:25-26. He called it “the perfect verse to express our need as Christians to worry a little less about rulers and authorities and be servants instead.”

Ultimately, the goal is to remind everyone that God is in control. While politicians battle for supremacy, Jesus remains Lord of all.

“As the winds of political and moral change are blowing—no doubt Christians face stiff headwinds,” Morgan said. “Our task is to engage in the culture war—but the most powerful weapon at our disposal is the love of Jesus Christ.”


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