Ted Cruz

Colorado Freshman Congressman Will Lead Ted Cruz State Campaign


Wednesday evening, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz announced that former federal prosecutor U.S. Rep. Ken Buck would lead his presidential campaign in Colorado.

Along with the announcement, Buck offered his endorsement of the Texas senator:

“We need a strong, conservative leader in the White House. Ted Cruz is that leader. He has consistently and passionately fought hard against the Washington establishment in order to restore the power back to the American people. We need Ted in 2016 in order to help restore America back to the principles that made this country exceptional.”

Buck previously served as the chief of the Criminal Division in the Colorado U.S. Attorney’s Office and was elected three times as district attorney for Weld County. He currently serves on the House Judiciary Committee and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

“Ken has been a champion for conservative principles during his time in Congress,” said Cruz. “He has stood up and fought against Obama’s lawlessness, worked to protect life and marriage and to repeal Obamacare. Ken is a tireless leader and has served the people of Colorado well. I am thrilled to have his support and look forward to working together to bring conservatives together to win the White House in 2016.”


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