Ted Cruz

This Governor Is Now Backing Ted Cruz for President


Just hours after the candidate she originally endorsed dropped out, Republican South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley said she was now backing U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for the GOP presidential nomination.

According to the Charleston Post Courier, the governor was asked about her reaction to U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) dropping out Tuesday night after a disappointing finish in his home state. She also was asked if she could support Donald Trump, if he becomes the eventual nominee.

“Ask me when the time comes again, but as of now I strongly believe I will support the Republican nominee,” she said. “The only thing I can say now is my hope and my prayer is that Sen. Cruz can come through this. That’s who, privately, I’m fighting for.”

Although the comments were made Wednesday morning during her weekly press conference, the Cruz campaign has yet to respond to the endorsement. Of the remaining candidates who have a mathematical possibility to an outright majority of GOP delegates, Cruz’s is the most difficult.

Haley was asked about that during the press conference, as well.

“I do see a path for him, because I think he’s been solid and strong the entire way,” she said. “I think that he’s been disciplined in the way that he’s done it.”


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