Pastor Saeed Abedini

Saeed Abedini: The Antichrist Spirit Is Active in Global Politics Right Now


U.S. President Barack Obama’s failure to veto the resolution against Israel appears to be prophetic fulfillment of Daniel 7, Saeed Abedini says. 

The former imprisoned pastor took to Facebook to describe how the current administration embodies an anti-Christ spirit and proves the world is facing the last days. 

“First, Obama didn’t veto the Resolution against Israel in U.N.,” Abedini began. “Second, Obama tried to bring division between Trump and Putin. Now, giving Iran so much Uranium, It’s very clear that Obama is trying to make the transition situation as much as possible harder and harder for President elected Donald Trump to change it” (sic).

Abedini describes the anti-Christ spirit like this:

As we all know when AntiChrist comes he will support Israel for 3/5 years and then he will attack and try to destroy Israel for 3/5 years.
Apostle John said the spirit of AntiChrist is now already in the world.
Antichrist didn’t come yet but his spirit is active now that means we will see people who will start supporting Israel, Church, men and woman’s of God but after they got the position that they needed and they wanted they will start attacking and destroying who they were supporting first such as Israel, Church or Men and women of God like what Antichrist will do.
Maybe you saw some people around you who behaved like that, maybe they are even Christians or Jews) ,I had so many like these people in my life and ministry. Probably they don’t know that they are acting under the influence and control of spirit of Antichrist or maybe they know but the benefits of this kind of actions robbed them from the walking with the Lord. (sic)

Abedini says this is a fulfillment of Daniel 7:25, which reads, “He shall speak words against the Most High and shall wear out the saints of the Most High and plan to change times and law. And they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time.” 

“Usually people who act under spirit of AntiChrist first, they are seeking for position, so like Antichrist they will support Israel for 3/5 years (means supporting something right and true).
Second, they are looking for keeping their position and getting the ultimate position which is headship, so the only way they have is to attack and destroy the people who already have it or to people who are ready to give the position and glory to a true person who deserve it or own it like God (sic)” Abedini says.

“We are living in last days and we need to be aware of false and fallen people who are ready to do anything to just role and take the control and power and attention and this awakening is part of REVIVAL. Matthew 7:15 (sic),” he concludes. {eoa}


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