Uber Driver Kicks Black Conservatives with MAGA Hats Out of His Car


A group of young black conservatives on their way to a Make America Great Again “meet-up” at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. were refused service by an Uber driver because of their political affiliation and support for President Donald Trump.

“To me, what happened took me back to the ’60s when black Americans where told they could sit in the front of the bus, they had to sit at the back of the bus, or eat at the same restaurant, or go to the same school or would be hosed in certain neighbors,” Matthew Handy told CBN News. “So now we are going to discrimination not based on race but on political standing. We are gonna see people not welcome in places because they are conservative or liberal. So, that is more disturbing to me than any other aspect of this.”

Handy, who’s participating in the Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives internship program, was one of the students kicked out of the car by the Uber driver.

He said they had their hats in their hands when they got in the car and the Uber driver asked, “Is that a MAGA hat? Well, I can’t do this ride.”

He thought the guy was joking, but then the driver repeated, “No, I’m not doing this ride. Get out of my car.”

Handy says he contacted Uber to register a complaint and only received a “generic response.”

“It doesn’t seem like, to me, that they are taking this issue seriously and I think they should,” Handy told CBN News. “I think they should look into this situation because it’s discrimination. They should fire this driver. I don’t want free rides; I want action,” he said.

Handy said he never thought this would happen to him.

“The Democrats say, ‘When they go low, we go high,’ and I’m not seeing that at all, when things like Maxine Waters calling, basically, for violence for all supporters and all who work for the president,” Handy said. “What she said is not OK. So, when something happens, she’s gonna say, ‘The blood’s not on my hands,’ but it is, because she is the one who initiated it. This is not OK in America.” {eoa}

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