2 Ways God Is Establishing a Plumb Line in This Generation


David Bradshaw is leading a tent revival across the nation.

“This is a plumb lining of the church,” Bradshaw says in a video posted to the Awaken the Dawn Facebook page. “It’s a training moment, it’s a DNA moment. We’ve been using these kinds of terms. I believe God is using these tents to plumb line the church across America really to two very simple things.”

Watch the video to see what they are.

Bradshaw is behind Awaken The Dawn, whose inaugural event gathered nearly 50,000 people from every state to the nation’s capital.

“On the heels [of] Awaken the Dawn 2017, our next assignment is Tent America 2018. On September 27-29, again, coinciding with the Feast of Tabernacles, we will be hosting ‘tent city’ gatherings of worship, music, prayer, and gospel proclamation – simultaneously at all 50 state capitals and on college and university campuses!” according to the website. “Imagine. Three Days. Millions of people. Day and night. Public, outdoor worship flooding our nation with the presence of Jesus! It will be historic!”


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