Beth Moore: Our Thoughts Are Like Popcorn


There is a difference between “excessive ruminating” and “pondering,” says Bible teacher Beth Moore. One causes anxiety, while the other brings peace. It’s important to think before we speak, but we have to be careful how we go about this. She says in this age of excessive information at our fingertips, our minds function like a hot skillet.

“We are so completely overstimulated that our minds are like a skillet full of hot oil. So the moment a kernel of thought hits, it pops. It’s [called] ‘popcorning.’ … Our thoughts are all over the place, it’s just popping like corn. … We were meant to be people who could really bring something weighty to the mix.

” … In the information age that we live in, it’s just coming to us; before investigating anything, before letting anything go down deep, before doing any meditation whatsoever, we’re already pontificating about it. … The people of God are meant to be a prophetic people. … We’re meant to be people with insight into our culture.”

For more teaching on renewing your mind as the Bible says in Romans 12:2, click here.


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