Edward Byrd and Ronald McCrary discuss homosexuality with Luis Javier Ruiz and Angel Colon, inset.

Can You Pray the Gay Away? 4 Ex-Homosexuals Respond


Four former members of the LGBT community congregated together to discuss the debate of “praying the gay away” in an episode of Transformed Life Radio.

“I think you pray throughout your journey,” says Luis Javier Ruiz. Ruiz was injured in the Pulse nightclub massacre in June 2016. He has since completely surrendered to the Lord and travels around the world preaching the truth about homosexuality.

“For some people, we don’t doubt there could be a miracle from God, but at the same time, that wasn’t my story,” Ruiz says.

Watch the video as he, Angel Colon, Edward Byrd and Ronald McCray weigh in on the divisive question.


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