Families Led to Christ After Children’s Lifesaving Operation Through Samaritan’s Purse


“I didn’t care about God in the past.” These were the words one Mongolian father said before his daughter was whisked away to have emergency open heart surgery.

Through their lifesaving efforts, Samaritan’s Purse rescued Enkhbayar and Mandaa’s daughter and a second family whose son was born with 4 heart defects, which also required him to have corrective surgery.

And then after weeks of isolation in America, following COVID-19 restrictions in Mongolia, they were finally able to reunite with their families. The Lord used their harrowing journey to lead Enkhbayar to Christ and Mandaa to publicly proclaim her faith through baptism. Now, Enkhbayar says, “I believe in God 100%.”

The families recount their miraculous stories in this video.


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