‘God and Cancel Culture’: How to Stand Firm Against Woke Mob Takeover


Things are chaotic in America. Liberal policies are advancing. A rash of executive orders appears to be moving the nation closer to socialism and a one-world government. And many Americans, including Christians, are being censored as never before.

Sixty-four percent of Americans believe cancel culture is a threat to their freedom. How can you fight back?

Author Stephen E. Strang has some answers in a new book, God and Cancel Culture: Stand Strong Before It’s Too Late.

Imagine waking up one day and finding out that the whole world is raining hatred at you for something you said decades ago. The mob no longer comes with torches and pitchforks … now it comes with Tweets, posts, blogs and memes.

For the rest of this story, please visit our content partners at CBN News.

Reprinted with permission from CBN.com. Copyright © 2022 The Christian Broadcasting Network Inc. All rights reserved.

God Cancel Culture RFor more information on how you can fight back against cancel culture, make sure to get a copy of what Charisma founder and CEO Stephen Strang says is his most important book yet. God and Cancel Culture is now available wherever fine books are sold. Order it for a limited-time 50% discount at stevestrangbooks.com.


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