God’s Warning to Anyone Who Hates


Over three years of almost nonstop attacks upon the president of the United States seem to be characterized by hatred and vitriol rarely seen in America’s history. Many politicians and pundits view it as a badge of honor to be known as a “Trump-hater.”

It would do all of us good to remember that God is not only a God of love but a God of holiness, who must judge sin and punish sinful conduct. The Bible clearly states that all of us will stand before the judgment seat to give an account for our actions and words, and that every idle word will be taken into account!

This 10-minute video conveys six things God hates plus the four points Jesus made about hell, which is real, and real people go there.

Engage with best-selling author and cultural commentator Larry Tomczak as he communicates a most necessary word that we all need in these challenging times.


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