How to Be a Prophetic Daniel in the Midst of Spiritual Babylon


Mike Signorelli, pastor of V1 Church, says believers have the opportunity to be “prophetic Daniels” in the midst of societal unrest and chaos. He says the Holy Spirit inside of us should permeate all of our decisions and make us distinctly different from the world, no matter whether we’re a protester or police.

“People keep asking me, ‘Pastor Mike, where God’s in all of this?'” Signorelli says in the video. “If you’re a believer and you’re watching, I want to remind you: He’s inside of you. You know, the wisdom of this invisible kingdom is that the Holy Spirit inside of all of us has permeated into every sphere of influence, which means the way our police officers protect, the way that our protesters protest, the way that our parents parent, should look distinctly different than the rest of the world. Because we have God inside of us. It’s almost as if we’ve become these prophetic Daniels and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednegos in this Babylonian exile, and we’ve been allowed to infiltrate a society that doesn’t serve our God, which means we have an opportunity to show what He does in a lion’s den. We have an opportunity to show that there’s a fourth person in the fire.”

Watch his full remarks here.


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