KeKe Wyatt: My Boy Was Miraculously Healed From Cancer


After belting out a powerful gospel rendition of the song “For Every Mountain,” vocalist KeKe Wyatt shares what God taught her when a doctor called to tell her that her 13-year-old son may have cancer.

“As a mother, to hear those words being uttered through the phone … as a mother, you’re like, ‘Why not me, God?’ But He didn’t see fit for it to be me; He wanted my baby to learn who He is for himself. … [God] said, ‘As much as I love you, I need you to love Me the same. And you’re putting your babies before Me.’

“And I said, ‘Lord, I’m sorry. What can I do?’ And He said, ‘Get on your face before Me, and you tell Me what you know that I can do.’ I had to give it all to God. … Only He can heal him. He is now 16, a smart aleck, driving his car and healed from cancer.”

Watch Wyatt worship God and share that story on YouTube here. The original video can be watched on TBN’s website here.


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