Mario Murillo: The Biggest Lie the Enemy Forces on the Church Today


Mario Murillo has seen it numerous times. He has seen it in large arenas, and he has seen it in his small tent crusades.

The enemy has forced a tremendous lie on a great deal of the church, and it’s one of the main reasons that the church isn’t moving forward with God’s kingdom plans for the future.

“One of the greatest deceptions of the enemy is to convince us and to convince church leaders that people don’t want the Holy Spirit right now,” Murillo told Larry Sparks on the Something More show. “He is trying to convince them that they want life lessons, life coaching and other things. People want to feel good, and that’s what the enemy is telling them.

“We have a whole generation of pastors, who have been seduced by the devil, who want a big church. They don’t understand that they would have one anyway because anywhere Jesus is, there is going to be a crowd. What we have is a breed of Christians that I call high-maintenance, low-impact, and it drains the life out of the church.

“Second Timothy 4:3 says, ‘For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears.’ But, there are millions that are ready for a raw encounter with God. I want to influence leaders that, in this hour, nothing else will work.

“I read a Barna Research article recently, that with Millennials, the No. 1 thing they want from church is doctrine. People are starved for the presence of God and the Holy Spirit. The raw hunger from society for that right now is overwhelming.”

Watch this video to hear more.

Shawn A. Akers is a content development editor for Charisma Media.

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