Mario Murillo Warns That 2022 Is a ‘Year of Repentance’


Evangelist Mario Murillo says he was disturbed that many prophetic preachers missed what God was trying to say to them for the year 2020. And now, Murillo says, we must make up for it in 2022 and see it as a year of repentance.

“In 2019, every prophetic word that I was reading, almost to a T, was saying that 2020 was going to be a year of prosperity, that it was going to be a year of breakthrough and multiplication,” Murillo says in a recent video. “Very few predicted the lockdown and the virus. And why is that? They were fooled by a mechanism of flattery and a culture that had lost its way. They had taken the circumstances of America and misread what it meant.

“What is also disturbing is that, as soon as the pressure of missing it was lifted, look at them, they are reverting back to the words, the conferences, the focus, the emphasis that fooled them before,” he says. “I look at them and I say, ‘You were fooled by that before.’ Everybody getting together to give each other words from the Lord is a waste of time and energy. Everybody getting together to pray for America and getting words from God on how to spare the nation—that isn’t God.

“And so, I feel in 2022 is a year of repentance,” Murillo says. “I believe that the word from heaven is this: If you go back to what you were before now, you are due for double punishment. You deserve to lose your entire calling because of that. This is no time for people to go back and do all of the silly things they were doing that fooled them before. This coming year, 2022, is a year of repentance and a year of God giving us marching orders.

“We’ve got a midterm election in 2022, and it’s time for us to punish the evildoers by throwing them out of office … it’s time for us to get hold of the fire and glory of Jesus.”

See what else Murillo has to say in this compelling video. {eoa}

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