PA Court Rules Election Chief Had No Authority to Change Election Ballot Deadline


A Pennsylvania court says the election chief had no authority to change the ballot deadline, and those ballots attempted to be cured past the deadline should be tossed.

On a recent episode of Jay Sekulow Live, we discussed the latest ruling by a Pennsylvania state court on the election. The court ruled the Pennsylvania secretary of state lacked the authority to extend the deadline for when ballots may be cured.

This is not the Supreme Court case, in which the stay issued by Justice Alito is still in effect. That stay is for the case relating to the segregation of mail-in ballots that arrived after 8 p.m. on Election Day. Justice Alito had issued an order on that. He asked the various counties and localities in Pennsylvania if they did segregate those ballots, and most did not. So there is an issue there. This new case does not relate to that. This case involves at least 10,000 votes and potentially thousands more.

Read the full article from ACLJ here and watch the video here.


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