Rabbi Clarifies Religious Origins, Cultural Context for Cleaver’s ‘Amen’ Misuse


In light of the unfortunate ending to Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver’s prayer over the 117th Congress, faith leaders are stepping in to offer words of clarity on the matter.

Rabbi Dr. Ari Lamm, CEO of Bnai Zion Foundation and founder of The Joshua Project, joins CBN News to discuss the roots and meaning of “amen.”

Unfortunately, Lamm says, Cleaver’s moment of “high comedy” also portrays his “alarming ignorance” and speaks to an even greater, however unintended, insult to evangelical Americans. Lamm says “biblical vocabulary and values” such as “amen” are significant, especially in the midst of much political and racial unrest, because they are “the only shared language Americans have ever had for discussing difficult things.” The flippant use of the term not only diminishes its reverent nature, but could also have long-term ramifications for the nation’s relationship with religion.

To find out why course correction from this mistake is paramount to ensuring the protection of religious freedom in America, watch the full interview from our content partners at CBN News here.


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